How to Encourage Boys to Love Reading

How to Encourage Boys to Love Reading

How to Encourage Boys to Love Reading

Today I want to talk to you about books. Particularly books for boys and how to encourage boys to love reading. I am a mom of 4 boys, all of whom love books. Even the ones who can’t read yet love to sit on the couch and surround themselves with books and just flip through. Sometimes for hours at a time. People think that my house must be loud and chaotic, and it certainly has its moments, but we also have times when it feels like you’re in a morgue by the level of noise.
how to encourage boys to love reading pin

For the record, my two older boys are naturally a bit quieter and lower energy but my two younger boys are my busy, bouncy blondies. Truly. They are the reason why I have a trampoline inside and outside my house. I like to think the trampolines are saving couches though the couches still get some decent… attention and have seen better days. /sigh “You are the reason we cant have nice things!”

I also have other people’s children over regularly, including their busy boys who they swear hate reading. Yet they come here and sit contentedly on the couch with a book. Or they never even make it to the couch and just sit on the floor in front of the bookcase. Which I’m totally fine with and in the past I even put nice little soft reading chairs in front of the bookcase for them but….boys. 2 out of 3 have had to go into the dumpster because they were used as tanks and spaceships and who knows what else and completely came apart.

Anyone who doesn’t like reading just hasn’t found the right book.

My only daughter is only a month old right now so I’m not going to claim that girls are not attracted to specific types of books or topics because I just don’t know (and of course every girl is different). I do know, however, that girls are typically less reluctant readers and more parents struggle to get their boys (possibly including husbands?) to read for pleasure.

I have been asked on more than one occasion for tips on how to encourage boys to love reading. These tips and book suggestions are not a guarantee but they will definitely help point you and your son(s) in the right direction.

1.Have books available for little hands from a young age.

This is obviously a tip that applies to any child but I think people sometimes forget to get books for their boys. Take time to read to them or, if they don’t want to sit and read a story, just flip through the book at their own pace and point at pictures. Go back and forth between pages and repeat things 100 times. Let them speed through the book as fast or as slow as they like. Just don’t let them throw or purposely wreck the book. They can learn to treat books with respect right from the start (even though it may take several years for that lesson to truly sink in). Keep toddler books accessible and make them easy to clean up. A low shelf that they can be placed on (in disarray of course as properly reshelving books is hard for little hands) or a bin they can pull over to a comfy reading spot are ideal. Even if you typically use the library for your book needs, I would recommend picking up a couple dozen toddler books so they can gain familiarity and choose their favorite titles over and over again.

2.Choose books on topics they are already interested in.

He is going to be less likely to be willing to pick up a book in a topic that you’re trying to introduce. That feels much more like forced reading, which is usually seen as a chore. You want to encourage a love of reading out of pleasure, not make reading a duty. Please don’t choose something that you think they “should” read or be interested in until you have already established a firm love of reading and a level of trust with your child so he knows you’re not just trying to force something on him. Share these books with no pressure or expectation. “I saw this and know you are interested in XYZ so I thought of you.” Then leave it and let them decide what to do with it.

3. Find a variety of styles of books.

I know that all boys are different (I have 4 with the same contributing genetics and each is totally unique, then add in the billions of other boys in the world, yikes!) but there are some consistent favorites on our shelves. Some types and features of books they have been consistently attracted to:

  • Real pictures instead of drawings
  • Touchy feely features
  • Fabric books
  • Lift the flap books (when they’ve learned to be more gentle)
  • Photographic historical books
  • Age appropriate biographies
  • Activity and How To books (i.e. science experiments, Lego ideas, wood working, outdoor survival)
  • Large pictures with minimal print
  • Comics or graphic novels

Some favorite topics have included:

  • Anything “extreme” (weather, machines, animals, world records etc)
  • Military, current and historical (including weapons, battles and wars, biographies on great leaders)
  • Animals
  • Human Body
  • Allegorical fiction
  • Video games
  • Science and technology
  • Machines (dump trucks, tractors, race cars)
  • Lives of kids, fiction and non fiction, in history as well as currently
  • Funny stuff, whether jokes or silly stories

4. Read aloud, whether they are young or old.

Find a time in your day that is specifically for reading to your kids. When they are younger this can be as simple as letting them bring a book to you and you taking the time to flip through at their pace. As they get older you can tie this to snack time or during a meal, or at bedtime. I truly believe every family should make bedtime stories a part of their daily routine. Even as kids get older, they can still benefit from read aloud time. Just be sure to let them pick the story or choose something that you truly believe they would like (and there is no rule that says you need to finish the book if it turns out to be terrible). Let it be a family bonding time. It is a simple way to go on adventures together, trek around the globe, and go back in time.

5. Be an Example worth following

Your kids need to see you reading. Not just blog posts on your phone or ebooks on your kindle, but paperback books. Digital and audio books or magazines can be beneficial but there is nothing like holding the pages in your hand. That goes for your kids too. They need the tactile feedback of turning a page, being able to flip to the cover to see the title, or to the back to reread the summary. They may need the ability to flip quickly to the end to make sure their favorite character comes out on top. They may want to flip back to the previous chapter to reread a favorite part. These things are much more difficult to do with an ebook or audio book. Plus, they need to see their parents with a book in hand so they know instantly that you aren’t just window shopping or checking email or scrolling social media again.

So let’s say that you always have books available, have lots of books you know he would love if he just gave them a chance, have introduced lots of styles and topics, read aloud regularly, and are an avid reader but you son still just doesn’t pick up a book. That happens. Keep in mind that boys typically learn to read later in life so you may just need to be patient. Boys (and their parents) are also often influenced by a culture that makes them feel as though it isn’t normal for them to enjoy reading. These can make it feel impossible but let me share a story with you to prove that these things are not insurmountable.
Here’s a short story, shared with permission:

My husband was told his whole life that he was a hands on learner and not academic. He was told he wasn’t a great reader. He will tell you he read 1 or 2 books in high school but didn’t read a single book his whole adult life. Over the last 15 years I’ve been pointing out to him that he reads just fine and actually reads quite a bit. Some of the things he reads include equipment repair manuals (with lots of technical terms that I don’t understand), video game tutorials, research articles on everything farming, newspapers, children’s books for bedtime stories etc. It has never been about skill level, only about lack of practice of reading an actual (adult level) book. Last summer he noticed our eldest 2 boys were really interested in a couple of book series and specifically that out 8yo went from not reading to reading everything within 6 months. He figured he needed to keep up to what his boys were talking about. So he picked up the first book in the series. Then he picked up the next. Over the summer he read about a dozen books. Some youth and some adult. Some fiction and some non fiction. But he officially said I’m right: anyone who dislikes reading just hasn’t found the right book.

It may take 35 years (and continued encouragement) but patience pays off.

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Homemaking 101: Motivation For When You’re Not a Good Homemaker

Homemaking 101: Motivation For When You’re Not a Good Homemaker

Homemaking 101: Motivation For When You’re Not a Good Homemaker

So often we tell ourselves we are not a good homemaker. It is so easy to look around your home and see the piles of laundry, dishes, papers, and toys scattered around. Hear me when I say that your home is not meant to be clean all the time. You live here. Your family lives here. It is going to be in some state of disarray 99% of the time. That’s normal. It is also normal to feel like you must be doing something wrong if you can’t keep up. Which leads to the false belief that you are just not a good homemaker.

motivation and resources when you're not a good homemaker

Did you notice I said it is a false belief?

The truth is that it isn’t too difficult to wipe the table. Or wash a pot. Or even fold a shirt. Break it down to the nuts and bolts and homemaking is a bunch of simple motions repeated over and over. (and over and over and over…)

Here is where the mind shift comes in: You are a good homemaker. Say it out loud a couple of times to get a feel for that truth. Your inner voice is probably snickering right now. Mocking you a bit. Denying yourself of that truth. Tell that voice to stuff it. Because you know how to wipe crumbs off the table. Even my 5 year old knows how to wipe the table. (So does my 2 year old, though I’m not sure licking up crumbs while sliding around the table on his tummy is an efficient or sanitary method we should be copying.) And stain removal…. I truly believe this is something that this is the one homemaking task that takes super powers.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking up complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”
Mark Twain

(Insert some Jeopardy music here)
Now that my train of thought was completely interrupted by my children who are sad that our internet is down so the can’t play their math game, let me try to finish writing this post.

The truth: you are a good homemaker. Another truth: it is extremely difficult for many people to do the proper sequence of those simple tasks frequently enough to prevent their home from looking like a bomb farted in it. l recently met a lovely mama who is expecting her third baby. She bemoaned the fact that she is having such a hard time with the infamous disorder that most of us have lovingly dubbed, “baby brain.” The disorder that prevents you from keeping nearly any thought in your mind for more than 3 seconds before it flies out into the wind. I have heard that baby brain can afflict a mama as long as she is pregnant and/or breastfeeding. So I’ve been struggling with it for over 12 years straight.

The solution: write it down.

It sounds overly simple but it works. You will no longer have to expend energy or mental power on keeping that thought in your mind, which frees you up from thinking about what to do so you can actually go do it. If it a bigger project (that involved more than one 10 minute task), take some time to break it down into bite-sized tasks keeps things from getting overwhelming.

You have a couple of options: make yourself a to do list of each of those simple tasks that you must do to keep up on your home keeping maintenance or find a premade list and make it work for you. Get one list, one notebook, or one app to write it all down in. Don’t worry that it isn’t perfect. Just pick one and start. 

Some of my favorite resources for simple and doable homemaking routines:

(I have included some affiliate links here and, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to read my full disclosure.)

High 5 Chart: I’ve talked about this simple morning routine on my blog a number of times and even offer a free printable to get you started. You can get the free download by filling in the form below.

How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind: Dana White is a self-proclaimed slob and describes her journey to deslobification. 

Sidetracked Home Executives: From Pigpen to Paradise: This book walks you through each room of your house to help you create a system that covers off not only keeping your house deep cleaned but you can also add in personal routine items (like bathing the kids, shaving your legs, or booking dentist appointments). It’s a lot of work to get the system set up but, once it’s up and running, it’s so simple to maintain. Because it uses index cards for each task, it’s also really easy to delegate to family members. I still use a modified version of this, though I’ve gone from my index card box to tracking things in my Todoist app on my phone.

Creative Home Keeper: Some excellent reading on Victoria’s blog about setting homemaking routines and keeping a clean home. She also has a great free printables section on her website that includes daily and weekly checklists as well as worksheets to help you walk through your own homemaking goals.

Fly Lady:  My understanding is this website was inspired by the book Sidetracked Home Executives. Being perfectly honest, this is one tool that did NOT work for me. Though their system is great and their steps are so easy to follow and truly deliver good results in your home, the amount of emails completely overwhelmed me and I started ignoring them. I much prefer a system that I can control. But if you’re not one who wants to set up your own system and need more guidance and reminders for what you should do each day, this could be an amazing fit for you! Don’t let the dated look of the website scare you. The steps to follow can be a huge help!

Simply Convivial: Mystie wrote the book on how to get things done as a homemaker. Literally. I have it and I’ve read it several times and it inspired me to purchase David Allen’s Getting Things Done ebook earlier this year. (I don’t believe she sells the book anymore but it is really just a summary of her GTD for homemakers blog series.) She also has courses in her membership section, that I have not taken but I imagine the quality is just as good as the rest of her content.

Your home is not meant to perfect all the time but that doesn’t mean you’re not a good homemaker. What makes a good homemaker is someone who doesn’t give up. Keep taking that one next step forward. So grab a notebook or print off some simple routines, like the High 5 routine above, and remind yourself that you’re perfectly capable of doing every single one of those tasks. Then just do the first one. 

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    Just because we can’t see the big picture doesn’t mean that it isn’t beautiful. 

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    God then points out to her that the crimson threads in the flowers are her trials, the dark blues in the sky are her tears.

    developing an attitude of gratitude through trials by seeing the Light at the end of the tunnel

    It occurred to me that this is the second time this week that I’ve written about attitude. On Monday I wrote about developing a mothering attitude and today I’m talking about an attitude of gratitude. Perhaps this is because the last few weeks (maybe even the last few years?) have been a mental struggle for me. I’ll be totally honest and say that it has been tough to be eating dinner alone with my kids nearly every night and telling them that daddy isn’t able to read bedtimes stories tonight because he’s working late. It’s tough to be woken up 25 times a night with an upset (read: screaming) toddler for what seems like no reason at all other than he’s mad that he’s not still asleep. It’s tough to remain positive when I’m in pain from my pregnancy and it feels like nothing is going right. Writing this post, as well as the one on Monday, has been a great reminder to myself to focus on the fact that this phase in our life will pass (i.e. the Biscuit will sleep again… someday!) and to look for the beauty within the trials.

    God doesn’t appreciate grumbling and I don’t want to let it gain a foothold. I missed writing in my gratitude journal several days last week and it really affected my mental state.

    Here are some of the things that I’m grateful for:


    Biscuit is waking up. I would rather he wake up 25 times than never again.
    I have a loving husband who is willing to put in ridiculous hours to feed our family.
    I have been blessed with amazing friends who were willing to uproot their whole lives to follow God’s call to come work with us.
    Since we now have extra help on the farm, I haven’t had to do chores and my physical pain has significantly lessened because of it.
    The crops are off so Adam has been able to join us for dinner and bedtimes the last couple nights.
    Have you had moments of grumbling too? Even though you may not be able to see the final picture, share in the comment section some things that you’re choosing to be grateful for, in spite of the trials. Feel free to share your trials as well so I can say a prayer for you. 
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    Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Grade 6, Grade 4, and Grade 1

    I have always had an unschool mentality. I believe (and my kids have shown me) that people learn what they need to know when they need to know it and life is meant to be experienced and explored rather than dictated and directed. So why am I now talking about homeschool curriculum choices and learning cards?

    Would you believe my kids asked for it?

    They have made more and more friends who’s families have different homeschool methods and kids talk. My kids love learning and saw their friends learning certain things and getting new binders for the school year (love that my kids got excited about office supplies!) filled with activities and projects.

    So I sat down with my older three and asked what kinds of things they are interested in. Between their requests (largely science, history, and Reading Eggs), and them agreeing to some additions of my own (like typing and All About Spelling) I made up a simple schedule and checklist for them and added them to our household rhythm.

    I made these cards to be largely independent with the high hopes of doing 4 days a week. After about 6 months of using these “learning cards,” I can confidently say I over estimated the level of cooperation I would receive. But the kids still mostly enjoy them so we keep trudging along in an attempt to make them part of our daily rhythm.

    How It Works

    Each boy has Day A and Day B. We alternate them as we mostly complete them which means some weeks start with A and others start with B. Each boy also doesn’t complete theirs on the same day as his brothers so he may miss out on a subject, which I try not to stress about because they are still learning, regardless of completed cards.

    We don’t technically stick to grade levels as my boys’ interests lead to their skill levels being all over the map. I also don’t tell them exactly what page or lesson they need to do as it is pretty simple to just do the next one.

    How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver! (Prov 16:16)

    Let’s Dive In.
    (I have included some affiliate links here and, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to read my full disclosure.)

    Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Family Learning Time

    Morning Time

    We are not very fancy here and just flip through a binder with a few Bible memory verses, a song that we are working on memorizing, the Lord’s prayer, a piece of memory work (currently working on “In Flanders Fields”), listening to a song or two on YouTube, and I finish off with reading a page from The Answers Books for Kids or another apologetics book. (We just finished Cold Case Christianity for Kids and it was a huge hit!) It takes us between 15-45 minutes, depending on how cooperative the littlest ones are.

    For many families, morning time is a time of communal learning but I decided to make it more a time of Scripture and character study, apologetics, and a family devotion time. Character before academics is a belief that I have always held to and I was glad to see Kathie from the Character Corner, a mom with far more homeschooling and parenting experience than me, affirm that as her number one homeschooling tip in her post listing 10 things that helped her through 31 years of homeschooling.


    We are currently going through Story of the World: The Ancient World. I’ll say upfront that this is not my ideal history book but I had been given a copy a while back and a friend had the activity book she wasn’t using so I thought I’d give it a try. We haven’t been doing the big activities and projects. I read a chapter and we do some of the review questions (mostly with the the 8 and 5yo as my 11yo has read the book several times on his own so he knows all the answers) and the older two do the map activity and coloring pages while the 5yo just gets the coloring page. I may need to start copying an extra coloring page as the 2yo often wants to copy his big brothers and I’m not sure how long a blank scrap piece of paper is going to be good enough for him.


    Apologia Young Explorers Botany text. I adore these books! The hard covers, bright pictures and diagrams, easy to read text, and tying it all back to God as the Creator. Maybe I’ll even invest in their actual notebooking journals one day!

    But, for now, I printed off the free notebooking pages from their website and we read a chunk out of the book then the older 2 do the notebooking page or, if it’s really simple, the activity.

    Sometimes, once I’m done reading, I print off an applicable picture for the 6yo to color and put in his science duotang. My boys love the nature walk activities and are always amazed at the variety of plants we have growing on our own lawn.

    (The original plan was to start with the Astronomy book but it was spring so botany seemed more fitting. We might put that on pause now that days are getting shorter so stars are easier to study and plants are going to be covered in snow soon.)


    Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Individual Learning

    11 year old

    Bible: He had been following a Bible reading plan but always read ahead so now he just reads at least one chapter of whichever book he is going through. Soon I’ll expand his Bible time to include a journal of some sort but we’re just starting with reading.

    Math: He is a big-time reader so Life of Fred has been a great fit. He is “behind” for his age group but is cruising through the lessons. Understanding mathematical concepts is not something that come easily to him so both he and I love having the option to choose something that falls more in line with his learning style.

    Copywork: He is working through some free stuff I found online but is nearly finished. I think what I’ll do next is give him some lined paper and ask him to write a Bible passage from his daily reading. He does this in cursive, which comes a lot easier to him than printing.

    All About Spelling: While he is an avid reader, his spelling hasn’t caught up. Just not the way his mind works I guess. I found the books for All About Spelling level 1 and 2 at a local curriculum exchange last winter and it has been a great fit for him. He appreciates all the rules and explanations as to why words are spelled the way they are. I have to be honest and say that I’ve enjoyed it too! I’ve always been a pretty intuitive speller but knowing why words are spelled a certain way has been enlightening.

    Typing: He does about half a lesson at I like this site because you just need a login name and don’t need to sign up with an email address or anything. It’s pretty simple and straighforward and gets the job done. Plus it’s FREE. Always a nice perk.

    Spanish: We use the Duolingo app for this. He decided he wanted to learn Spanish a couple years ago and was just picking away at it sporadically. So I put it on his learning card and he’s making decent progress.

    Read to Asher: This is my sneaky way of getting him to practice reading out loud as well as taking the toddler off my hands for a while so I can focus on something else (usually helping the 8yo do his AAS lesson without little fingers swiping magnets).

    Sidenote: You can see I’m not a perfectionist with these cards. He really wasn’t enjoying piano (and is kind of rhythm challenged) so I removed it. He also felt copywork each day was too much so he negotiated that off too by saying he makes cards with writing and does his All About Spelling writing regularly so that should count as writing practice.

    8 Year Old:

    All About Spelling: He and his brother started level 1 at the same time but he skipped several days and his brother doubled up on some of the early lessons so now they’re in different books. He is a much more intuitive speller (he can remember complicated words because he read them a couple times) so he doesn’t think he needs this. We often skip building the words with magnets and he goes straight to writing them down. He can do more of the building in his head so, when he actually does his lesson, he flies through it.

    Math: He’s a weirdo and actually asked for a workbook in math. We just use a Canadian Curriculum book we got at Costco and alternate with workbook one day then a Mathseed lesson the next day. (I’m not an affiliate there but I’m thinking I should be and you really should check them out because everyone I have recommended it to loves it!)

    Copywork: He or I choose a Bible verse for him to copy and he (sometimes) draws a picture. (Don’t tell him but I don’t really care about the picture but he thinks he’s rebelling by not drawing it. He likes to have that control and I’m willing to make sure he feels it.) He does not do cursive yet but, now that I think about it, he has asked if he could learn so maybe I’ll get a workbook for him for Christmas or something.

    Reading Eggs: He does a Reading Eggs lesson on the off day from copywork. He is reading beyond the skill level of this but we’ve paid for the subscription and he really enjoys it. It’s kind of a reward for him after he has done some stuff he’s not as fond of.

    Typing: He also uses

    Piano: I play piano so he asks me for advice but mostly he does this by reading the blurb in the Alfred’s Basic Piano Book and winging it. This will work for a while but I have a feeling I’ll need to assist more as he progresses. He really enjoys it and seems to understand music a bit more than his older brother.

    Read to Asher: Same as before: reading aloud practice and a way to keep the toddler occupied for a while.

    5 Year Old


    He’s too young for anything formal (he will be 6 in a few weeks) but he loves it so who am I to deny the boy his workbooks? He does a workbook page every day and a Reading Egg or Mathseedevery day.

    He did ask to tweak his learning card so he does a math workbook page the same day as his Mathseed and his letter workbook the same day as his Reading Egg.

    He’s actually a kinesthetic learner (which I’m totally NOT and was a bit nervous about) so he comes to me while playing Lego and tells me “Mom, I know what 3 groups of 2 is!” or “I know what 7+7 is!” So apparently Lego can be used to teach math. He also just has an inherent understanding of “building” words and often uses magnets or letter tiles to build words that I’m pretty sure he hasn’t reached yet on Reading Eggs.

    He occasionally takes 45min to write one page of Os and the next time will cruise through 10+ pages of his workbook in one morning. I’ve stopped trying to understand his methods and just go with the flow.


    I hope you can see that our learning cards are not intense and we have a very relaxed homeschool. Our homeschool curriculum choices are simple and mostly independent. The stuff that is more parent intensive requires time but requires minimal prep work. I don’t make a big fuss if we only do 1 or two days per week. (Though I have a feeling it will be a bit easier when the snow flies and kids can’t escape to play outdoors.)


    We are slowly working back into all of this after taking time off for my final stages of pregnancy and our newborn survival phase. My primary goal is to get the boys to do their High 5 and then we will begin to work on Morning Time. Do you have a bare minimum that you and/or your kids can do to make it feel like your day is a success?

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    Unhappy? 6 Tips for Beating Winter Blues

    Unhappy? 6 Tips for Beating Winter Blues

    Unhappy? 6 Tips for Beating Winter Blues


    *This post may contain affiliate links. If you follow the link and choose to make a purchase, I may receive a small referral commission, at no extra cost to you.*

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been something I’ve known about since I was a teenager. It wasn’t until I was quite a bit older, however, that it became more clear to me how I can deal with the effects of this. So I’ve put together some of my favorite tips for beating winter blues.

    1. Artificial sunshine: You let the energy light lamp

    shine on your face for 15-30 minutes during the morning or afternoon to give you an energy boost. This is a method that I have not actually used yet but loved ones have found it extremely beneficial. I just added it to my Christmas wish list for next year. It will come in handy next year when the baby doesn’t nap as frequently as he currently does. His less frequent napping schedule will limit my napping opportunities and lack of sleep leaves me with little energy to stabilize my emotions. Update Jan 2020: I recently bought this SAD Light and have been using it this winter. I love it! I use it in the morning and right after lunch and find it helps with feeling more refreshed in the morning as well as mostly avoiding the after lunch energy slump.)

    2. Sunny people: Spend time with fun friends. I’m a more serious person by nature so I find others who can bring a little bit of sunshine into my life. Being married not only means I am accountable to someone with my mood (i.e. it’s not fair for him to come home to a moping wife every day), but one of the things I love most about my husband is that he can make me laugh. He lightens me up. I have been blessed with friends who lighten my mood. I also have a few sons who can “turn his goof on,” as we like to say, and can have our whole household cracking up. Laughter is a wonderful medicine.
    3. Sunshine in a bottle: Vitamin D3 supplement

    can be a huge help. There is not a lot of sunshine during the winter so giving yourself a vitamin boost can have some big benefits. Another wintertime supplement that can make a difference for mood stability is omega 3.

    4. Go outside: Fresh air, sunshine on your face, watching your kids play in the snow, exercise. All of these things help boost your mood. After being cooped up inside during the cold snaps that occur during much of the winter, I really appreciate going outside for even a few minutes just to breath. There is also something healing about being outside in direct contact with God’s creation.
    5. Countdown: Remind yourself that there are only about 2 months left of winter. It will probably be less for some of you, depending on your location. Maybe even less for me as I’m further south than I have lived in the past. I countdown until I can start my garden seeds. I count down to Easter. I count down to my oldest son’s spring time birthday. Little stepping stones that keep me pushing forward toward sunshine season.
    6. Music: There are summertime songs, and there are wintertime songs. Play some summertime music and dance like no one’s watching. My kids LOVE this one and they take turns being my dance partner. It can be a lot of fun to let loose once in a while. Here’s a list of some of the ones that my family has been dancing to lately:
    • Cotton-Eyed Joe – Rednex
    • Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
    • Uptown Girl – Billy Joel
    • Kokomo – Beach Boys
    • 500 miles – The Proclaimers
    • Hey Mickey – Toni Basil
    • Wannabe – Spice Girls
    • Angel – Shaggy
    • Whenever Wherever – Shakira
    • Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
    • Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
    6. Foundational Habits: The best thing anyone can do is to establish a good rhythm of self care. Establishing habits before you are in the thick of seasonal affective disorder is ideal but anyone can start with something as simple as working on gratitude. In my Self Care Series I share how I begin at the bottom and work my way up anytime that I notice I’m slipping into seasonal affective disorder or depression.
    Do you suffer from seasonal affective disorder or winter blues? Please share your favorite tips beating winter blues. And drop your email in the box below and I’ll send you my free Habit Workbook and Habit Tracker. It will walk you through how to set habits fo various areas of your life and give you the tools you need to begin setting that foundation of habits where better lives begin.
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