3 Steps to get more done as a mom (without having to hustle)

Motherhood, Personal Development | 2 comments

I don’t have time to do all the things. And yet, the things need to be done!
In a world that often feels like it’s spinning at breakneck speed, we’re presented with two stark choices: hustle to get everything done or resign ourselves to getting nothing done. But what if life isn’t an all-or-nothing game? What if there’s a happy medium that allows you to slow down enough to connect with your family, accomplish all you need without burning out, and even have leftover energy and mental capacity to pursue your dreams within and even beyond your role as a mother?
3 steps to get more done as a mom, without hustling

The Beauty of Balance: Finding Your Purposeful Path

Slow living doesn’t equate to a halt in productivity; rather, it’s about being selective with where you channel your energy. It’s about finding harmony in the pace of life, ensuring that every task, every moment spent, is infused with purpose. This philosophy becomes even more profound when applied to motherhood.

My Journey Through the Lens of Purposeful Living

I’m a homeschooling mom of six (ages 16 down to 1), a dairy farmer (though in this season I mostly focus on the office side of things rather than driving tractors and feeding calves), a life coach and online business owner, plus I’m heavily involved in our community choir. I also dabble in gardening and homesteading.
It’s fair to say that my life is full.

We serve best when we are serving from a place of wholeness and abundance. So it our duty to live our lives in such as way that fills us.

We serve best when we are serving from a place of wholeness and abundance. So it is our duty to live our lives in such a way that fills us.
Yet, I rarely feel busy. I actually feel…. lazy some days! I am able to sit here at my computer to type this out, listening to my kids playing happily with each other. My housework is relatively caught up so, if someone drops by unexpectedly, I can let them in without feeling ashamed of the mess. I have time later today to connect with my kids through read alouds, homeschooling workbooks, and cooking together. I spend my morning leisurely sipping my coffee while reading and writing scripture and planning my day.
I’m strictly a no-hustle, yet still get it done kind of woman.
I truly believe this is because the things I do commit to resonate with my personality, my gifts, and my strengths, which makes it energizing rather than exhausting. I’m not naturally high-energy (in fact, for many many years I struggled with depression and chronic fatigue), but by operating from a place of life-filling rather than life-depleting activates, I can operate from a place of abundance.

The Power of What Really Matters

As mothers, our hearts are so intertwined with our children, that they become a huge part of our purpose. I believe that God designed it this way. We are SUPPOSED to want to give our all to our children. Yet, we are still whole people with our own needs as well. If we neglect who God designed us to be, we are only ever able to give our family fragments of what they need.
This doesn’t mean we dive into the culture of neglecting our children for the purpose of “self care,” or even worse “self fulfilment.” Nope, as a Christian, we are called to serve. However, we serve best when we are serving from a place of wholeness and abundance. So it our duty to live our lives in such as way that fills us.

Three Steps to a More Purposeful Life

  1. Evaluate: What are your strengths? Spiritual gifts? Passions? spend some time in prayer and/or journaling about how God made you unique.
  2. Discern: Take stock of your activities. Which ones rejuvenate you? Which ones leave you feeling drained? Do they reflect who you want to be and the lifestyle you wish to create for your family?
  3. Plan: Design an ideal week framework. Organize your time in a way that reflects your values and nurtures your family’s well-being. Make sure you’re planning time for marriage, children, homemaking, friendships, personally filling interests, and SLEEP!! In fact, schedule your sleep time in BEFORE putting in anything else!

Envisioning a Life of Peaceful Productivity

Imagine a life where every day is calm and efficient. You handle tasks with grace and purpose, not pushed by the rush to do more or held back by exhaustion. You respond to your children with gentleness rather than frustration.
What if you could go to bed at night smiling, eager for what tomorrow brings?

If you’re ready to take the first set toward slow living and purposeful motherhood, be sure to get my free High 5 Morning Routine printable for families.

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