How to Do Personal Devotions With a Baby and Toddler

How to Do Personal Devotions With a Baby and Toddler

How to Do Personal Devotions With a Baby and Toddler

Every mom dreams of uninterrupted morning coffees, and peaceful time spent journalling or praying or being in the Word. Any mom with littles knows that this is not something easy to come by. In this phase of my life, my mornings are often spent with children in my hands rather than my Bible. I needed to find a more creative way for how to do personal devotions with a baby and toddler. 

how to do devotions when you have a baby and toddler

I didn’t even know where to start, as personal devotions was not something I was taught growing up. I knew I wanted to include Bible reading, prayer, and journalling. That felt like a lot to bite off in one chunk so I went back to baby steps and found a simple goal: read the Bible.

Did you know that if you read to 15 minutes of the Bible a day you can get through the whole Bible in a year? I learned that from an excellent book I read a while back. (Seriously one of the best books I’ve read on living a Christian life and that I referance often but I lent my copy out years ago and I miss it terribly and should really buy another copy!) If you are anything like me, that sounds way less intimidating than looking at that big fat Bible thinking, “I know I should read it but when can I find the time?”

So the first step to personal devotions was set: Read the Bible for 15 minutes each day

It was so easy and I felt great and mostly rocked it!

But then…

Quote Sample

The last few days I have been suffering from a terrible headache. I believe it was a side effect of mastitis and it even got to the point that, out of desperation, I took two extra strength acetaminophen, which I haven’t needed to take in… years and years. (In retrospect, I could have tried the peppermint essential oil that I have sitting in my cupboard). It helped take the edge off but the pain was still there. It hindered my ability to keep up with housework, play with the kids, and was made significantly worse when I read and write.

The thing about being a mom is that I don’t get any sick days. So now I am behind on my housework and haven’t spent as much time outside with the boys as normal.

I am also behind on my Bible reading.

I might as well be perfectly honest and tell you I was about two weeks behind anyway. I had recently given another pep talk to myself and seriously been trying to catch up though. I didn’t want to get even further behind!

My normal reading time had been in the rocking chair while nursing the baby down for his nap. (I use the term “nap” very loosely here because sleep is very challenging with him.) I held him a little longer than I needed too so I could read two days at a time. He had just started to get into the rhythm of napping at a semi-regular time but even the kids were thrown off by Mama’s sickness.

Once I got out of the rhythm of reading regularly I knew it would be tough to start up again

After a couple of days I reminded myself that the Bible app on my smartphone that I use to keep track of my reading plan has a wonderful feature: a British man with a soothing voice reads it out loud to you!

So I recommitted.

This left me with no excuse to get behind, even on mornings when my hands are busy with little ones.

Then I wanted to find a way to listen while keeping my toddler’s hands busy. He needs my constant attention and interaction.

Typical toddler stuff.

So I grabbed his crayons and coloring book and he and I colored and listened. It wasn’t ideal for me because I kept getting interrupted by my toddler asking me for my crayon or what color he should make something but at least we were both getting some scripture in our heads. It is a good thing the baby was napping or I would also have been distracted by picking crayon out of his teeth.

I had been looking for a simple way to get more Bible reading in with my boys and now I think I found it. So I thank God for showing me another way to make His Word a part of our daily lives. I have a feeling we will be doing a whole lot more coloring in the future.
Do you have an favorite ways to get your devotions in with little ones? Please leave a comment below as I’m always open to new ideas!

How to Do Personal Devotions With a Baby and Toddler

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Easy Meal Plan: How Spaghetti Saves my Sanity

Easy Meal Plan: How Spaghetti Saves my Sanity

Easy Meal Plan: How Spaghetti Saves my Sanity

I hate to cook.


Well, hate may be a bit strong….. or not. I truly don’t enjoy cooking. I try to like it, really I do! I don’t mind baking (perhaps because the end result is so much tastier!) but I don’t enjoy cooking dinner every night. Now that poses a problem because my husband works in the barn all day it wouldn’t be fair for him to make dinner every night and, in spite of the fact that I am very good at budgeting, we cannot afford a cook. So I suck it up and head to the kitchen every day between 5pm and 6pm to work through my super easy meal plan.
Most mothers will be able to relate when I say that, on a nearly daily basis, someone flicks the  “Crazy Switch” at my house at about 5pm. My kids seem to need a full-time mom (read “referee”) at this point which leave me very little time (read “sanity”) to be a good little Suzy Homemaker and have dinner on the table by the time Papa Bear gets in from work.

I am so blessed that my husband understands this and has no expectation of dinner on the table at 6pm every night. He’s just happy if there is enough food in the house for him to be able to eat at some point in the evening!



So to prepare myself for all of this, I meal plan. Sort of. I read a really amazing book (Sidetracked Home Executives) that helped me set up a simple quasi-meal plan. It works perfectly for my scatterbrained self. Here is the jist of it:


Pick a “theme” for the meal for every day then just build your meals around that. That way you can look at the day of the week and know instinctively that it is taco Tuesday or fish stick Friday and half of your meal is already planned.

Here’s how I worked my plan and some of the ways I made it work for my schedule (I grab the meat out of the freezer during our morning High 5 time so it is mostly thawed by supper.)


This is my heavy housekeeping day and our day to begin pushing our daily rhythm again after a more relaxed weekend so I don’t usually feel like making a fancy meal (well, I never really feel like it but Mondays especially) so I make spaghetti every week.  It is simple and relatively healthy. Ground beef (scramble-fried and strained), spaghetti sauce, and whole wheat noodles. If I’m feeling really energetic, I chop up some carrots or zucchini to throw into it or sometimes even corn. Peas would taste good too. I’m not allowed to do peas. My hubby despises peas. To make Mondays even easier, last year I taught my 11yo to make this so he is often on dinner duty on Monday evenings.


I did all the housework yesterday (yeah right! At least I attempted to) so learning cards and daily rhythm go a little smoother than Mondays. This is pork chop night. Just seasoning salt or I put some premade pork rub seasoning on them and throw them in the oven on my baking stone. Add a simple salad and some steamed rice. (I always make rice in my rice cooker. Way easier than on the stove or in the microwave!) Sometimes I switch it up and put a pork loin in the crock pot with the pork rub. But pork, salad, and rice. My 8yo wanted to learn how to cook a meal to so he is working on perfect this. The chops are easy peasy but can I just say that salad is way yummier when someone else chops the lettuce?


This is not usually a learning card day so I plan for a morning of margin. Once a month my older boys have a community class so I plan this morning to do errands with the younger 3. We also try to plan any play dates on this day. By the time we are home I want something brainless and quick. This is ground beef night. So simple meatballs (1lb ground beef, 1/4 cup chia seeds, sprinkling of seasoning salt, throw poorly shaped blobs onto baking stone at 375 until they’re done) with boiled potatoes and steamed veggie (with grated cheese), or burritos (scramblefry ground beef with some taco seasoning and grated carrot and/or bell pepper, put in a wrap with lettuce, cheese, cucumber and ranch dressing).


I’m in the office this morning so Adam is on Daddy duty and either helps the kids move through their learning cards or takes them to the shop to help fix or do maintenance on farm equipment. This is chicken night. This is one of my favorite nights. Usually just Italian chicken. (Frozen chicken breasts, sliced potatoes and frozen beans. Drizzle with melted butter and Italian seasoning. Cover and pop in the oven at 375 for an hourish.) When the kids get bored of that, I’ll make some chicken Parmesan in the crock pot (frozen chicken, jar of pasta sauce, a cup or so of Parmesan cheese on low for 5-6 hours) with steamed rice. Sometimes I throw in a salad but other times I figure the tomatoes in the sauce counts as a vegetable. 


Frozen dinner night. WOOT! Or hubby cooks, or we do leftovers. Pizza, premade meals (LOVE The Big Cook). Every Mama needs a weekly night out (of the kitchen).


Usually a blitz clean of the house with hubby’s help. Somehow he manages to make the kids excited about helping out. Perhaps it is the reward of Minecraft time with Dad afterwards. Every once in a while we throw in a trip to the city. This is either leftovers or frozen fish sticks with rice and steamed veggies (with grated cheese on top of course. Cheese makes everything better).



French toast casserole, roast or take out. Often my husband wants to have a bigger meal for lunch after church so he helps cook or prep before church. If we have fresh buns then we may make sloppy joes. 

If any of these nights I feel like trying something new or have energy to work in the kitchen a bit longer, I’ll stick with the theme but give myself flexibility on exactly what I make. For example, some Wednesdays I make homemade honey garlic sauce for the meatballs. I usually make enough for 3-4 meals and freeze some because it is a family favorite but a more involved process. Or on chicken night I may make fettuccine alfredo sauce (from a bag) and mix the sauce and chopped chicken with pasta and steamed veggies. These things require more hands on time and result in more dishes so they are a special treat.

So there you have it. My super easy meal plan that allows me to be creative if I feel like it or means I don’t have to think about dinner when I don’t want to. If I didn’t cook spaghetti every week I would go crazy. Maybe one day Adam will be able to take over the cooking (he actually enjoys it! He’s a keeper!) but for now I keep things simple and predictable. Supper time is much easier if a plan is in place. Plus it helps you plan your grocery list too!


If you meal plan, how do you do it? Are you a month at a time kind of planner or week by week?
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3 Steps to Live Better

3 Steps to Live Better

3 Steps to Live Better

Have you ever heard of how to eat an elephant? You eat it one bite at a time. It’s a pretty similar process when you want to live better. 

This is the continuation of my previous post. In that post I gave you a partial list of my lifestyle improvement goals and asked you to make your own list. I hope that you now have your own list made and I hope that you went nuts on it and made a great word picture of how you want your life to look. If you haven’t done the assignment there yet, first head on over to read about taking steps to live a better life and then you’ll be ready to come back here to learn about using these 3 steps to live better. 
Do you want to improve your life? It sounds like such a ginormous feat! But you eat an elephant one bite at a time and you also improve your life one step at a time.

1st Step to Live Better:

Choose an area or two that you feel the most overwhelmed with or that you feel are the most important areas to move forward. I chose housework and Jesus. (Remember when the answer to every question asked in Sunday School was “Jesus?” He’s the answer here too.)


2nd Step to Live Better

Choose one sub-topic in that area.
  • Housework: My “sub topic” was my dining table. It was piled like a meter high with junk and it was a nuisance when trying to eat dinner at the table and it was an eyesore and it made me feel like my entire life was piled a meter high with junk. I can’t tell you how good it is to walk into the room and my table is clear and clean (even if it is just for a few minutes a day). For some people they get this feeling by shining their sink, another mom I know got that feeling from cleaning off her kitchen island, another for keeping the entryway clear.
  • Jesus: I wanted to find a way to get to know Him better to make him a larger part of my life.

If something feels impossible, focus on doing just one small thing at a time.

3rd Step to Live Better


Make a simple plan and jump in:
  • Housework: I made it my goal to clear off the table (done over a few weeks of 10-15 min per day spurts) and keep it clear. I don’t do it every single day (sometimes we’re out the door before I have time to do it) but I don’t beat myself up over it. Slowly my table expanded to doing my dishes every day. And with no dishes piled up everywhere I was/am able to wipe my countertops every day. When I get behind and I look at my kitchen and get overwhelmed I simply go back to square one: clear and clean the table.
  • Jesus: Everywhere that I looked and everything that I read and all the convictions in my heart told me that the best way to improve my relationship with the Lord is to read His Word. Sounds simple enough but I’m going to have to be perfectly honest with you: outside of church and the ladies Bible study that I attended, I pretty much never picked up my Bible. I made a goal to increase my Scripture intake. I figured that I dedicate more than 15 minutes per day to social media alone, not including the articles I read on it and, more recently, Pinterest. The least I could do was give 15 minutes a day to get to know the One who gave His life for me. Ouch. What a reality check that was for me! I tried last year shortly after I had the baby but he was….. hard and I didn’t keep up with my reading. So I started all over this year. Who cares if I “failed” my attempt at this last year? I’m doing way better this year! Currently on day 162 of a 365 day plan. Woot! Last year’s failures don’t need to dictate this year’s success.

So let’s recap:

First you will need to choose a major area or two of importance.

Second you will need to find your bite sized piece.

Third is to take a bite. And then another. But just start with one bite.

You may not have conquered the world but you are one bite closer than you were 10 minutes ago!

What is the bite-sized improvement that you working on right now? A really great way to work through a life improvement brainstorm and then track your results is with my custom Habit Tracker and Workbook. Enter your email to get the free printable and get started with your personalized steps to live better. 

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Relaxed Homeschool Schedule: A Day in the Life With a Newborn, 2yo, 5yo, 8yo, and 11yo

Relaxed Homeschool Schedule: A Day in the Life With a Newborn, 2yo, 5yo, 8yo, and 11yo

I always love reading “homeschool day in the life” posts by other people to see how they do things so I thought it was my turn to share. 

Since the birth of our littlest one a couple weeks ago our household rhythms have been thrown off balance. We also had a stomach bug come through the house (I walked over to my mom’s across the yard at 2 days post partum so the baby and I would escape it) and the boys took a while to get their energy back. But I feel like we are slowly easing back into our relaxed homeschool schedule. 

Keep in mind that this is an ideal that we strive for but we don’t always hit these targets. This also just applies to days when we are nearly fully at home. If we are out and about, we adapt and mostly just stick to our daily anchors of high 5, snack time, and tidy time.


6am WakeUp

My husband’s alarm goes off and he goes downstairs to do his devotion time for a bit before heading out to feed cows. Until the birth a couple weeks ago he would hand me my phone so I could do a quick YouVersion devotion and pray for strength and wisdom for the day and for God to guide my words. Then I would write for about an hour in Evernote on my phone while attempting to keep all the little ones asleep. I’ll build up to writing again but, for now, I have mostly been taking the extra hour of sleep or lay awake praying for the day and cuddling with and watching my littlest one nurse.


7am Coffee & Journal

I try to sneak away from my bed-sharing 2yo to go downstairs for my coffee and praise & prayer journal. I only succeed about 25% of the time. I’m often joined by my other early riser as well, the 5yo. Of course the baby always comes with me. Occasionally the 11yo also wakes up earlier than normal and comes downstairs to read on the couch. The 8yo is my sleeper-inner and is almost never up before 9. When the kids wake up they get their own breakfast on the go. It is a relaxed time of self direction and the kids have learned that, while my lap and arms are always open to cuddle, I am not very chatty until later.

8am Social Media or Emails

Adam comes in for a bit after he is done morning feeding time until he has his morning operational meeting in the barn at 9am. This is a new part of our routine (he used to go out to feed at 7:30 and we wouldn’t see him until noon) but even he has learned that I’m not very chatty and, if he wants to chat and play, the 5yo and 2yo are where to direct his energy. I often do a bit of social media posting and interacting at this point too.


9am High 5s

Adam goes back to the farm and the rest of us start with High 5s. This is a routine I’ve been working on since my eldest was 5, so over 6 years. (Short description: make bed, get dressed, gather dirty laundry, eat breakfast, tidy kitchen.) It still doesn’t happen without a phone alarm (which currently sings “Baby Shark,” at the childrens’ request, and always results in lots of giggles) and plenty of reminders. But this is always my starting place as it covers off the maintenance of the biggest two household tasks: laundry and dishes. Sometime this one task takes us all morning. That’s just how life goes sometimes.


9:30am Morning Time

At least that is the goal. We hit it 2-3 times per week when I really make the effort. This part of the rhythm was added in about 3 years ago when I got really ambitious and excited about all the lovely things I was reading about circle time and morning baskets. I have kept it pretty simple and I’ll write a little more about what exactly we do next week (otherwise this post would be even longer than it is).
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    There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Eccl 3:1 NIV)

    10am Learning Cards

    We split off into our Learning Cards. (More detail in my post on Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Grade 6, Grade 4, and Grade 1) These are done at the boys’ own pace, though I do remind them that the more they do right away, the more they can play in the afternoon. This is the time when I’m on call to direct or assist with learning card while I try to get some blog work in. The toddler plays. Sometimes with a table toy (like dice or pompoms) and sometimes with his brothers’ Lego creations.


    Noon Lunch

    Adam comes in from chores and likes to make lunch for us. I used to have lunch ready when he came in but he was always craving something else so he took over a few years ago. This means we either visit while I catch up on my kitchen tasks or folding laundry in the kitchen (which is where all my clean laundry is stored, small house quirks), or at this point I usually just sit and rest for a bit 9with a nursing baby of course) and wait until he feeds me.


    1pm Quiet time

    The 2yo goes down for a nap so he cuddles with his Daddy for half an hour in our bed upstairs before Adam sneaks away to goes back to work at 1:30. (Note: He is the first of my kids to nap on a very consistent schedule.) During this time, I nap on the couch with the baby as the older 3 go outside or play quietly with Lego, play a boardgame, or read and attempt to keep themselves quiet so I don’t growl at them.


    2pm Catch Up

    The 2yo wakes up and one of the older 2 boys goes to get him. He comes to snuggle with me on the couch or is read to by an older brother while I help the other rather quietly with some earning stuff that was not done earlier as we try not to wake the baby, who is still napping in my arms. I used to try to fit a bit of homecare in at some point after naps but, at this point, it often looks like me just directing the older kids to do their homecare tasks from their sticker charts while I cuddle the baby.


    3pm Snack time

    This has been an anchor in our day for years. We have a small snack and gather for a simple lesson in History or Botany or a mom-chosen show.
    Snack time was added to our daily rhythm when we first moved to this farm. I just had two kids at the time, 5yo and 2yo, and I worked in the barns 8-10 hours a day. They came with me as I had no childcare so they “worked hard” too all day. They played with calves and raced Tonka trucks up and down feed alleys and helped pitch straw into calf pens. I remember the hard work of this time period but they remember the fun of helping mom.
    By this point in the day I needed to feed them something to tide them over until a late supper. We would make this a fun “tea time” and the three of us would sit around a little table and have very grown up conversations and sometimes I read poetry or Little House books… In spite of the backbreaking work of starting up this farm, I have some sweet memories of that time too.


    When this is done the kids go play while I rest or read or check social media.

    4pm Chores

    We have a phone alarm that tells the 11yo to go to the barn for chores. He pushes feed up for the dairy cows, sometimes he scrapes manure out of stalls or helps find cows who have been lazy and haven’t gone to the milk robot for a while. Sometimes my husband texts me and asks for the 8yo to come assist with chores too. They love working with their Dad on the farm sporadically but having regular barn chores on the sticker chart is a privilege that they have to earn. This takes anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.

    The other kids keep playing.

    You can read more about how we use chores to teach responsibility in work in my post about Raising Men, Not Boys: Chores.

    5pm Tidy Time

    Tidy time is another regular anchor in our day. We use it to bring peace back to our home, not that getting them to actually tidy is always peaceful process! My checklist and schedule loving 11yo is very consistent with this though. Not because he necessarily sees the value of a tidy home (though the more he trips on dump trucks or steps on Lego the more he understands) but because the reward is some screen time.

    I tell the boys what I need tidied, the messiest room or two plus the living room where Adam and I sit in the evening. I don’t keep a clean house all day but I do like a peaceful room after the kids are in bed. Plus the bathroom is down the stairs and on the far end of the house, through nearly all the downstairs rooms, so we need to make sure the path is straightened up so no one breaks a foot on the way there in the middle of the night… again.

    While they tidy, I get supper on the go. Sometimes the middle 3 tidy while I teach my eldest how to cook a meal. Sometimes my 8yo comes to help me because he is so eager to learn everything about being a grownup (including a strong desire to drink coffee).

    6pm Supper

    We eat when my husband comes in from the farm. Usually at 6 but sometimes he is later. If he is going to be after 7 then the kids and I will eat without him and he just reheats his food.

    7:30pm Bedtime

    We start bedtime routines, which is really just potty, brush teeth, fill water bottles then upstairs for story and prayer with Daddy. The 5yo has lights out at 8pm, 8 & 11yo have a reading lamps beside their bed and turn them off at 8:15 & 8:30.

    Our 2yo will sometimes join his brothers for stories, otherwise he hangs out downstairs with me, and folds his hands when he hears the boys praying upstairs through the monitor. (Sidenote: best idea ever to have a baby monitor for the boys’ shared room so they know we can hear them whisper and giggle if they don’t go to sleep but we can also hear if they are scared or sick or need something.) Toddler is usually asleep by 9ish and so far just falls asleep beside his sister as I rock them both or cuddled under a blanket on the couch beside his daddy.

    10pm My Bedtime

    This is HUGE! I can’t emphasize enough the value in setting a consistent bedtime. I also have no issues going to bed earlier if I haven’t napped or if the baby has been awake more at night.Adequate sleep is a gamechanger! Our 2yo, who still occasionally wakes in the night, currently sleeps in the side-carred crib so Adam tends to him through the night and I get to cuddle and nurse my newest bundle all night.

    That looks like a very intense relaxed homeschool schedule so I’d like to remind you that this is NOT something that I decided one day and implemented. This is just the natural flow that our days have developed over the years. I don’t hold anything to their set time except our main anchors (high 5s, lunch, snack time, and tidy time).

    I believe that God blesses a household with more peace in relationships when we order our days, or at least attempt to keep a measure of order within our days and in our families. If you’re looking for a rhythm for your own family, start by just looking at the flow that your day already has and write it out. You’ll find that your family already has a rhythm and, if you don’t like the rhythm, feel free to begin slowly tweaking so it works better for you. Maybe just start with a High 5 routine.

    If you think the High 5 chart that my family uses might fit your family, just enter your email in the form below or above and I’ll email you a printable version of it. It is simple enough for a toddler but thorough enough for my tween and me.
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      My Quest for Organization: Home Management Binders

      Home Management Binder - What works for some might not work for others. Here's how I figured out what worked for me! - Aimed at the Heart

      Head over to my Facebook page to access my free planner printable available to my fans!

      Last week I shared some of the things that I’ve learned about myself while doing research on how to get my life and home organized before my family welcomes another addition in November. I promised to share with you this week what I’ve learned about home management binders. So I’ll dive right in:

      Even though all those free printables and different section ideas are very tempting, I don’t need them all. Some things come more naturally to me than others. I don’t need to organize areas of my life that are already organized. For example: My bill paying and savings plans are second nature to me. They don’t require a section in my binder. I also don’t have any need for a lot of space for appointments because, let’s face it, my schedule on paper is very boring. I made and tried a daily planner. I had used a two-page-per-day planner for years before I had children so I thought this would be the best method for me, but found that it was just not working this time around. Then I read this article about different levels of planners and it became clear to me what the problem was. I was much like her and started off with the “nerd planner” when I really only needed a Week-at-a-glance. I have found it makes more sense for me as my tasks are not usually day dependent because the amount I can do in a day varies so much.

      I have since upgraded to a color printer so my weekly pages are color coded into different sections. Keeping the boxes and line space to smaller amounts has meant that I can only add so many tasks to my list, so as not to overwhelm myself. I took a lot of inspiration from the Uncalendar and tweaked this idea to suit my personal and business life. First, I made a list of things I wanted to keep track of: personal to do, blog to do, kids to do, meals, habits I’m working on, people I need to get in touch with, a weekly memory/focus verse and a simple “catch all” area for when I don’t want to pull out the specific list or project sheet for thoughts that pop into my head. That’s a lot of information that I was trying to get out of my head and onto paper!

      I also have a very simple list of regular housekeeping tasks, broken down into daily, weekly, and monthly. I put them in a page protector and I just lay it on top of my binder. One side has my brief daily list and a section for each day of the week. On the reverse side I have a 4 week rotation of monthly tasks and I will choose one week at a time to complete. I found it much simpler to make my own lists rather than print or purchase those made by someone else because, others’ lists just don’t suit me. There are certain cleaning tasks that I just don’t care about (at least in this stage of my life) and I do different things on different days than or not as frequently as premade lists tell me.

      Home Management Binder - What works for one doesn't work for everyone. How I found a solution that worked for me - Aimed at the HeartI’ve been using my weekly calendar for a few weeks and it has been working very well. I leave it open on my counter so I can see it and add to it throughout the day. This method has eliminated the need for me to write out my to do list every evening and transfer everything that I didn’t accomplish to the next day. Planning my day in advance takes just a couple of minutes and having the whole week visible allows me to shuffle tasks around easily.

      I am still using a lot of the tips I learned from Planner Perfect when it comes to projects, lists, goals, and having all of my brain’s information available at my fingertips. My mind feels much less cluttered and, surprisingly, my energy levels have increased! It has been great to use this newfound energy to play more with my kids and actually stay (mostly) caught up on my housework.

      Do you use a home management binder? I’d love to hear about it or see photos because I’m on a constant quest of tweaking mine to perfection.

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      Head over to my Facebook page to access my free planner printable available to my fans!

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