4 Tips for How to Enjoy Your Children More

4 Tips for How to Enjoy Your Children More

4 Tips for How to Enjoy Your Children More

Not every aspect of motherhood is enjoyable but it shouldn’t all be difficult and overwhelming either. Unfortunately, it can quickly become that way so I wanted to find out, how can I enjoy my children more?

Being a mom is no joke and takes a lot out of a person. But there is no reason why we shouldn’t enjoy ourselves too. The best way to enjoy motherhood is by learning to enjoy our children. We can get into their world or invite them into ours. We can also just observe them playing or we can take specific moments to pray over them. All of these won’t take away the work of motherhood but it will certainly help us to enjoy our children more.
4 tips for how to enjoy your children more. Because not every day is butterflies and roses

Baby yawns are adorable. I remember spending hours watching them sleep. And hiccup. And sneeze. Even pooping was entertaining! It is so easy to enjoy your children when they’re fresh and soft and adorable.

Now they are older and those once-nibblicious toes have toenails that need to be trimmed, attached to dirty, stinky feet that have been run hard all day. Reminders to wash his hands after he “drops a bomb” in the bathroom (my husband’s words) are met with a smell I never thought I would associate with that adorable tushie. And those mid-day nap times of blissful baby-gazing have been replaced by preparing healthy snacks that cover as many food groups as possible yet are simple, and fun, enough that they aren’t rejected.
Mothering is an amazing gift, yet it is so easy to get lost in the day-to-day details. It is so easy to forget how to enjoy your children. Our children are a heritage from the Lord but they can sometimes (often?) feel like a burden. I’ve mentioned before about how the basics of motherhood is to develop a positive attitude and to call on the Lord for the strength to continue forward. But how do you get back to a place where you can truly say you enjoy your role as a mother?
It isn’t always easy to enjoy every moment. And I’m not saying you need to (does anyone actually enjoy wiping snotty noses?). It is, however, possible to enjoy them more.

Mothering is an amazing gift, yet it is so easy to get lost in the day-to-day details. It is so easy to forget how to enjoy your children. Our children are a heritage from the Lord but they can sometimes (often?) feel like a burden.

1. Get into their world

Find out what they enjoy and join them in it. Does your child enjoy painting? Paint with him instead of setting him up to do it on his own. What about stories? Make it a goal to read at least one story of their choice out loud every day (and don’t complain if it’s always the same one). What about physical activity? Go for a walk together or kick a ball around.

2. Allow them into your world and hobbies

Bring them into the kitchen when you are baking or cooking dinner, even if it does take longer and make more of a mess. Let them wash dishes, sweep floors, vacuum, or fold laundry. Ask for their ideas when you are writing. Teach them to scrapbook or crochet or play piano or take photographs.

3. Observe

Sometimes all it takes is a pig puppet and a handful of craft sticks to get kids giggling. Or a couple of sleeping bags to scootch around the floor in while pretending to be snakes. Give yourself permission to laugh with them. Enjoy their antics and imaginations. Their silly jokes and games. Kids laugh so much easier than adults. Harness their joy and appreciate them in a whole new way.

4. Pray over them as they sleep

Soak in their innocence and fall in love all over again.
Our children deserve the best of us but we also have the privilege of enjoying the best of them. This week I’m going to bring my kids more into my world. They love to help in the kitchen so I’m committing to allowing them to help with dinner preparations.
Which of these ideas are you going to pursue over this next week?

Why More Kids Is Easier

When I was pregnant with my first child, I sat down with a client that had 4 kids, with the youngest just a toddler....

10 Indoor Activities for Kids

My small farmhouse basically consists of a living room, kitchen, and a weird long room that houses bookshelves, a...

Dealing with Worries as a Mother

Fevers and illness, daring activities that lead to injuries, potential kidnappings, government interference... there...
how to enjoy your kids more

4 Tips for How to Enjoy Your Children More

Not every aspect of motherhood is enjoyable but it shouldn't all be difficult and overwhelming either. Unfortunately,...
6 Tips for Surviving When You Feel Like You’re Drowning in Motherhood

6 Tips for Surviving When You Feel Like You’re Drowning in Motherhood

6 Tips for Surviving When You Feel Like You’re Drowning in Motherhood

Exhausted, brain not thinking clearly, no time or energy to do much of anything so you’re overwhelmed and behind. Parenting is sometimes like that, isnt it? Sometimes it is because of a round of sickness, sometimes it is a season of busyness, maybe it is cabin fever after a bout of bad weather. For me right now it is a newborn.
Those on my email newsletter or who follow me on Twitter may have read my announcement that our fourth son entered the world just over a week ago. As I type this out, he is sleeping in my arms as I sit on my couch. Other than getting up to change a diaper or get a cup of milk for the 3 year old, I have been doing next to nothing since he was born. By noon my brain has turned to mush and having a complete intelligent thought is nearly impossible. (I don’t think I was ever this bad with the others!)  I felt like I was in a similar position after a round of a stomach virus hit us last winter.

By noon my brain has turned to mush and having a complete intelligent thought is nearly impossible.

Here are some tips for surviving when you feel like you’re drowning in motherhood:

Stay hydrated

We all know the benefit of drinking enough water yet many of us still have a hard time doing it. Find ways to make it easier on yourself. Set a timer to remind yourself to have a cup every couple of hours, have a big cup first thing in the morning with breakfast and have your regular coffee afterwards, use mason jars or water bottles and commit to when you want to finish them, remember you don’t have to drink just water. (I have fallen in love with the Takeya ThermoFlask Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle. We found it at Costco a few weeks ago and it is everything the description says it is. My husband fills his with ice water every evening when he games and he was totally surprised and impressed when he filled it for the second evening and there was still ice in it from the night before! I try to drink 2 of the 40oz bottles each day, in addition to a coffee, milk, and sometimes tea. Sometimes I throw a lemon wedge in there too.


Go to bed early. Nap. It is critical to health and sanity and we all know it. Yet so many moms refuse to do it. I understand you want to have some kid free quiet time in the evening but you’ll find that it doesn’t compare to the sanity gained by an adequate amount of sleep. Napping gets a bit tricky when kids get older and no longer nap but lock the doors, throw on a show or pull out the playdough, and doze on the couch, within earshot. (One of my most popular posts has some more tips on how to survive on interrupted sleep.) Even 20 min of resting your body and mind can be very rejuvenating. My current bedtime is around 9:30pm. Sometimes I go to bed earlier but never later. I sacrifice time with my husband (he does bedtime routines for our older 3 at 8pm and comes back downstairs around 8:20 on non gaming nights) but he and I have been through this stage before and know it is only temporary. Even when I am through the exhausting newborn phase, I still rarely go to bed after 10:30 and set an alarm on my cell phone if I find I’m making excuses to stay up later. And the older boys have learned they are to stay in bed until 7am. The 3 year old sometimes wakes up at 6 but he is still in the side-carred crib, next to my husband, so they snuggle until 7am. Teach them how to read a clock young.

Easy Food

Hit up the frozen meals aisle. I normally prefer to cook from scratch (or mostly scratch anyway) but during this season I’m relying on frozen lasagnas, frozen pizza, canned soup, and easy prep foods and snacks like toast, cereal, yogurt, grilled cheese, noodles, precut veggies, and bananas. Even my 3 year old can prepare himself a simple breakfast and my older two can start the oven and pop a meal in. I’ve also been blessed with an amazing church family and friends who have dropped meals for us.

Maintain Peace

Sometimes this means allowing your 3 year old to have a chocolate chip cookie during breakfast. This may mean using technology more than normal. Or using it less, as it goes in my house. Sending kid to separate rooms for a portion of the day when squabbles get heated. Part of my peace comes in the boys clearing all the toys out of the living room before supper. I have barely looked in the playroom but I breathe a little easier when my main room has some semblance of order after they go to bed.


Ignore the mess. Truly. Yes, you’ll get behind and yes you’ll feel overwhelmed when you are finally able to catch up but you will catch up, step by step. The only one putting pressure on you is you. All you really need is moderately clean dishes (there are no housekeeping police saying you can use breakfast’s toast dishes for lunch’s grilled cheese and a veggies and dip snack) and moderately clean clothes (no housekeeping police here either so wear the same jeans all week and make your kids do the same and don’t worry about folding and putting away for the time being).

Enlist help

More often than not, our spouses are willing to help out. They just aren’t always good at seeing how much we need or what they can do about it. Let him know you feel like you’re drowning and that you need him to rescue you. And give him bite sized and practical solutions. Don’t say the housework is overwhelming, can you clean the house? Tell him the dishes are stressing you out and can he please fill and run the dishwasher. Or the laundry needs to be switched over, or gathered from bedroom floors and tossed in. And be honest with him (and yourself) about what is most important. If the toilet isn’t bothering you, don’t ask him to clean it. If you still have clean clothes, don’t ask him to do laundry. Kids can do the same. They are often more capable than you give them credit for. Be honest with them about the need to come together as a team to keep the household running.

Some seasons of parenting are harder than others.  There is no way around that. But you also don’t have to drown. So take care of yourself, let go of the housework, and focus on relationships and teamwork within your family. I know that I will get through the newborn hazy days, and I know that you will get through the tough seasons too.
Do you have any other tips to get through the tough seasons? I’d love to add them to my list. I’m sure that there will come a time when all 4 of the boys will get sick at the same time and I’m not looking forward to that!

Why More Kids Is Easier

When I was pregnant with my first child, I sat down with a client that had 4 kids, with the youngest just a toddler....

10 Indoor Activities for Kids

My small farmhouse basically consists of a living room, kitchen, and a weird long room that houses bookshelves, a...

Dealing with Worries as a Mother

Fevers and illness, daring activities that lead to injuries, potential kidnappings, government interference... there...
how to enjoy your kids more

4 Tips for How to Enjoy Your Children More

Not every aspect of motherhood is enjoyable but it shouldn't all be difficult and overwhelming either. Unfortunately,...

Help! I Don’t Know How To Play With My Children

Help! I Don’t Know How To Play With My Children

Help! I Don’t Know How To Play With My Children

Lately I’ve been busy caring for my family but I haven’t been focused a lot on enjoying my children. I want to enjoy being a mom but I’m not naturally a “fun mom” and I don’t know how to play with my children.

What I’ve learned is that the most important thing if you don’t know how to play with your children, is to just get down on the floor with them. You need to get used to saying “yes” to them when they ask you to play. You can start by following their lead in play and let them decide what you should do. While playing with your children should be about their fun, if you have a more determined (aka bossy) child, you may even need to learn to say “no” to the way they are playing and show them how they can accommodate others into their play.

One of the most popular topics I have written about is 4 tips for how to enjoy your children more and, of the 4, the one that most mothers I’ve talked to neglect to do, is getting into their world. I’m fully confessing that I am not a “fun mom.” I don’t really do crafts or imaginative play. When I try to play Lego, I usually just end up sorting instead of building.

I don’t even enjoy adult coloring books, which are all the rage right now. As for cutting, gluing and glitter, no thanks!

It is so easy to get distracted. By good things like caring for a baby, keeping your home and family in order, volunteering, keeping up on your self care. But distracted nonetheless. Often we spend so much time doing things for our family that we forget how to just be with our children and enjoy them.

Play is such an important part of a child’s life. As parents, we want to learn to connect with our children and learning how to play with them can fast track our relationship with them.

Getting into the world of our children is such an important way to connect with them. So what do we do if we don’t actually know how to play?

To Play With Your Child You Need to Get On the Floor

Children love when we push matchbox cars around the car mat or build block towers to knock down. We need to appreciate and explore the Lego creations that our kids have made. We can’t do any of that unless we are physically getting down to their level.

This might mean literally sitting on the floor in their play zone. Sometimes just sitting on the floor can be enough to draw your child into play. It might mean picking up a controller and meeting a child in their video game world, even if you aren’t a gamer. It may mean going to the basketball court and standing in the middle of it until they throw you a ball.

In order to play with your child, you actually need to become active in their world. Move from an observer to a participant.

The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the playing child advances forward to new stages of mastery. – Erik H. Erikson

Say “Yes” When Your Child Asks You to Play

Make a commitment to say “yes” anytime they bring you a storybook (or limit your “yes” time to a certain few hours of the day). Listen intently as your children describe the plots or characters in the books they are reading or shows they are watching. (I used to preread everything but they have more time and my 12yo is a crazy fast reader so I just can’t keep up anymore.) Interact and ask questions to show that you’re paying attention. When you child asks if they can go to the park, go play with them instead of sitting on the bench.

Follow Their Lead When You Don’t Know What to Do

While asking them to play a board game or initiating a crafting time with them is great, you don’t always have to manufacture doing something with them. They often don’t need you to direct them to a game or activity. Sometimes you just need to get into their world and follow their ideas.

If they are already engaged in building a Lego farm, sit down and start building a barn. Or sit beside them on the couch to read over their shoulder and ask a couple questions about what their favorite part of the book is (or this could seriously annoy your child, in which case you may want to pick up the book when they aren’t reading so you can have a conversation about it. Follow their lead!).

Maybe it looks like picking up the xbox controller and help build their latest castle in their Minecraft world, to their specifications of course. (Even if you spend most of the time just trying to figure out how to get the chest of supplies open!) If you’re unsure, ask!

Children are often willing to explain their game and will love the opportunity to lead!

When to Say “No” When Playing With Your Child

Being willing to play with your child does not mean allowing your child to rule over you. Some children are more …. determined than others and it can be eye-opening to see how this manifests in their play.

I always figure that more determined children can be raised into adults who will conquer the world but play time can be a good time for them to learn to accommodate the needs of others.

In most cases, play will be child-led but you can absolutely suggest a different book if you’ve read “Going on a Bear Hunt” 57,000 times and you need a break! Or if your child is making up all the rules and you’re not allowed any input to the point that it feels like you’re being dictated to rather than played with, you’re allowed to say “no more.”

You’re allowed to offer ideas for the game and you’re allowed to decline games that make you feel uncomfortable or injure you. If our toddler wants to play “jump on Mommy and pull her hair,” you’re welcome to decline and offer a more appropriate game.

If you’re like me and not a “fun mom,” this can feel totally unnatural and, to be honest, can take a specific energy and determination that you need to muster up. It takes practice to build something with Lego rather than sort the bins. But there are no rules saying you can’t ask your child to for ideas so let them offer suggestions or advice.

You don’t actually have to be interested in everything they are interested in. When my eldest shows me yet another kind of tank and tells me about it, he knows I will likely not remember but appreciates my undivided attention. (I think I’m getting better at the tank thing. There’s a Panzer, an Abram, a Leopard, a Tiger I and II and… that’s all I’ve got and please don’t ask me to point them out in a picture. )

I’m sure we’ve all heard that children don’t remember how clean their house was but they do remember if their parents were there for them. I’m not entirely sure that’s true because I can clearly remember my mom vacuuming way more often than I do and she even dusted and ironed!

(Is dusting still a thing that people do?)

But I also remember my dad playing board or card games with us on Sunday afternoon. Or my mom sitting beside my sister and me as we watched Gilmore Girls.

Learning how to play with your kids takes time but it is a skill that you can learn, just as you learned to wash dishes or cook supper. It comes with tremendous benefits of increasing your understanding of your children, which can make mothering them easier. And if you get into their world when they are young, they are more likely to allow you into their world as they get older.

Let me know in the comments, how are you going to play with your kids this week? I’m going to pick up that xbox controller at their game time and try to memorize how to open that chest and move supplies into my inventory so I can build something. Who am I kidding? That’s too many buttons! I’ll probably just ride the Minecart roller coaster around their community and let them give me the grand tour.

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Unschooling Reading Resources

Unschooling Reading Resources

Unschooling Reading Resources

Reading is such a huge part of my life so I’m always on the lookout for good unschooling reading resources. That’s a fancy way of saying I love resources that are fun but also actually work to teach kids to read. I now have 4 kids who are completely obsessed with books (granted one of them is still to little to actually read by himself).

The big question to consider when strewing any resources is how do your kids learn? I’ll be upfront and say that I do very little actual teaching to read and my biggest role was to offer the boys opportunities to learn and then sit back to let them choose what works best for them. But I do have some favorite resources that have been popular with all my boys so far that I wanted to share with you.

My three older sons all learned their letters and letter sounds around two. (The newborn obviously isn’t reading yet.) My eldest started reading just before his 7th birthday and now, 2 years later, is reading far above grade level. My second son, age 6, is reading some words and, if he decides to sit and practice more regularly, will be well on his way to above grade levels within the next year. My 3 year old is practicing writing letters and pretending to read by sounding out words.

Favorite Resources to Teach Kids to Read

(disclaimer: some of these are affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind I only share products that I know and love! Full Disclosure)

” rel=”noopener noreferrer” target=”_blank”>Letter Factory DVD

Tad the frog goes to the Letter Factory and Professor Quigley lets him sit in on the lessons as the talking letters learn their sounds. My boys have all loved the characters and Leap Frog has done a fantastic job in making each letter and sound memorable. For example, a “monster” walks into the “A Room” and all the little A’s scream “Aaahh!!!”. Don’t worry, it isn’t a scary monster, just the professor in a fuzzy purple costume. The “P Room” is always a favorite as the P says “P” and pops like popcorn. I recommend this to every mama (or grandma) that I know who wants to introduce their child to letters in a fun way.

” rel=”noopener noreferrer” target=”_blank”>Letter Factory Flashcards

We bought the DVD and Flashcards as a bundle and these cards have been played with a ton over the last 8 years. They’ve seen better days but, by some miracle, we have managed to keep all 26 together. The kids love to ask their littlest brother what each letter says and the older two build words and ask each other to guess which word it is. The only downside with word-building is that we only have one of each letter, which limits the amount of words. But they are still a great tool to introduce letters and beginner reading.

” rel=”noopener noreferrer” target=”_blank”>Talking Words Factory

(Can you tell that we love Leap Frog? They didn’t even need to pay me for this.) This show came with our initial purchased bundle and shows the Leap, Lily, and Tad going to the Talking Words Factory. I think some of the talking letters must graduate to this factory because it is all the loved letters from the previous show, except this time they go through the “word whammer” and get stuck together, along with the icky, sticky letters (vowels). This is the movie that has gotten both of my older boys interested in building words and all I have to do is hit “play” while I’m making dinner.

The big question to consider when strewing any resources is how do your kids learn?

Originator Apps

These Apps are available for Android and iPhone. We have installed Endless Alphabet (vocabulary words), Endless Reader (sight words), Endless Wordplay (spelling/word building), and Endless Numbers (counting and early arithmetic). The Android version (not sure about the Apple store version) has a few words or levels as a free sample and then you can buy the rest as packages. As of this post, I have not purchased any of the expansion packs for three reasons: I can’t figure out which app I should buy an expansion on (which one the kids would get the most out of), I don’t know if the expansion packs will work with my Google account or if I will have to purchase the pack separately for each tablet. They aren’t cheap, if you move beyond the free versions, but the letters and words make fun sounds and are simple enough for even my toddler to drag and drop. Plus it is really cute to watch my 3 year old kinesthetic learner imitate the goofy motions of the letters!

Reading Eggs

We started out with the free 2 week trial that they offer new users. The boys ended up liking it so much that I bought a subscription. The gist is that the child does a lesson full of games and catchy songs and fun characters to guide them, and then they get to hatch an egg with an animal in it (or they hatch an acorn if they are doing a Mathseed, as I purchased the companion Math version as well). They boys love figuring out which animal they will get at the end of the lesson and get excited every 10 lessons when they get a new map.

My eldest had issues with the timed lessons so I often sat beside him to turn off the ticking sound and would cover up the timer and tell him we would just practice a few times. He now realizes that the timer is irrelevant and he has learned to turn off the sound and ignore the visual. A great lesson for him to learn how relax enough to think under pressure.
I like that it lets you redo the game as many times as they like, though some of those silly songs from lessons the boys did a couple years ago are still stuck in my head! (1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive. 6,7,8,9,10, then I let it go again.) You can also get your child to do a placement test if they seem to be struggling or if they’re cruising through the lessons.

My eldest has finished all the maps in Mathseeds and Reading Eggs and isn’t interested in Reading Eggspress (he would rather read paperback books at this point). My 6 year old loves to cruise through 4-5 lessons in one sitting and then doesn’t touch it for a couple weeks. I don’t force him to sit down but I did put a box on his sticker chart. He does his “morning high-5” and then gets to hatch an egg or seed. Again, I’m not super strict about it and give him the option to do it or not. He often decides that he wants to and I have learned to be okay when he doesn’t.

The program is good for toddlers all the way up to tweens and it is is the only program that I consistently pay money for and I’ll continue getting subscriptions for my upcoming readers as well. Getting me to part with my dollar is not an easy task so that’s saying something!

learn to read online

Books, books, and more books

The final resource that has helped my kids with learning and loving to read is to surround ourselves with books. I’m partial to non-fiction books with lots of vivid pictured but I do keep a good stock of quality fiction stories around too. My husband reads a chapter of a read-a-loud every night and I read a lot, both for myself and with them, so reading is just a normal part of their lives. My 9 year old has even started reading a bedtime story to his brothers every evening. I know that the library is ideal for getting fresh books but I love to get books from the thrift store to fill our own shelves. They are super cheap and then the kids can read them over and over again. I also often have a book on hand regarding whatever topic they’re interested in. They don’t have to wait until we make a trip to the library and can delve into that book for however long they want. (Though I have noticed I have a gap in my home library when it comes to geology. Guess I need to make a trip to the thrift store soon, yay!) Sometimes they pull a book of the shelves and get interested in a new topic that way. While I agree that libraries are handy, they do not replace a home library.

You may also enjoy reading:

Book List for Boys (I’m sure they’re great for girls too but I don’t have any girl readers at this point.)

How to Encourage Boys to Love Reading (Again, the advice is sound for girls too but my reading experience is just with boys so far.)

As you can see, we love both technology as well as old fashioned paperbacks when it comes to reading. We don’t do phonics lessons, or forced reading assignments and probably never will (unless a child asks for it). My goal is for my kids to grow up thinking reading is a normal part of every day life. We love Leap Frog and also purchased a LeapReader Pen and LeapPad a couple months ago at a garage sale. So far they are well loved and I believe they will both contribute to the boys’ growing love of books and reading.

What are your favorite ways to foster a love of reading in your children? In yourself?
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D is for Diapers – The Best Style and Brand of Cloth Diapers

D is for Diapers – The Best Style and Brand of Cloth Diapers

Best style and brand of cloth diaperWhich cloth diapers are the best style and brand - Aimed at the HeartI started cloth diapering my first son when he was about 10 months old. I bought some cheap covers and my mom donated all the flats she used on my siblings and me. Mom had received them used so C was the 7th baby to use these flats! There were a few hiccups but I figured out how to make flats work for us and fell in love with cloth diapering.

Then I entered the crazy world of today’s cloth diapers. Styles, brands, colors, fabrics… so many options it can make someone’s head spin! If you’re interested in a simple summary of the different styles, you can find one by clicking here.

Since I’m such a “research junkie,” I made it my mission to learn about cloth diapers and find the best style and brand of cloth diapers. I have reasearched and experimented with fabrics, styles, brands (name brand vs cheapies), closures (snap vs aplix vs pull up), care options, etc. I realize that it’s a matter of opinion, but I believe that I have found the best cloth diapers on the market right now.

Why Fitteds are the best style of cloth diaper - Aimed at the Heart

My preferred style is fitteds with a cover:

  • Extra leak protection: Less chance of leakage if you can’t change baby as soon they need or if you’re in the car and have car seat straps pressing on diapers and such. They are also less prone to poop explosions because there are two layer to go through, instead of one.
  • Last longer: You’re not washing the waterproof cover each time. This also allows you to wash your diapers on a hotter setting without having to worry about ruining the waterproof layer because you can simply wash the covers in another load.
  • More flexibility: You can have one layer specifically for the absorbency and the cover holds it snugly in place. You can add more absorbency for night time and use a more breathable cover (such as wool) if desired, without having to buy a whole new diaper. (In fact, even moms who prefer other styles during the day turn to fitteds for nighttime use). You even have the option to use just the fitted while at home to catch any accidents while potty training or just to allow baby’s bum a bit more air-time.

My personal favorites, and the ones I recommend to everyone I know, are Thirsties Fab Fitteds with Thirsties Duo Wrap covers. I bought some covers while still folding flats with C and haven’t looked back! I found they fit both of my boys really well, in spite of their completely different body shapes. I have friends that have used them as well and they love them just as much. Friends who have cloth diapered between 4 and 8 children (i.e. they know their stuff).
Which is the best cloth diaper style and brand? From a Mama who started by folding flats! - Aimed at the Heart

  • Sizes: The two sizes work well from birth to potty training. A lot of moms find that, with one sized diapers, they end up needing to buy either disposables or a newborn size for the first few months and then, depending on their child’s size, bigger diapers for nearing potty training. One-sized diapers fit that middle range. I used size 1 Thirsties on Biscuit and he was less than 7lbs at birth and C just stopped using them at night (with an extra absorbent booster and only one snap done up instead of two) about six months ago, at almost age 5.
  • Quality: They will last through several children and, if you no longer need them, they hold their resale value better than some other brands do. They are in the mid-range for price but I have found their quality outlasts many of the other, more expensive, brands. For example, my size one diapers have been through 2 babies (up to about 5 months each) and they still look and feel as good as new. No snap issues or elastic issues or anything. My size 2 diapers look a little more worn because I am pretty hard on my diapers (we had terrible water that discolored them and I machine wash and dry everything) but I still have zero issues with them and they’ll last through another child or two easily. Biscuit has used them for over 2 years now and they are still in excellent condition.
  • Service: I have emailed Thirsties with questions and spoke with their customer service department on the phone and they were so helpful and quick with their responses.
  • Options: Snaps or aplix? I prefer snaps for my fitteds so I can use them under wool covers with no snagging, plus the snaps are nice a strong so my toddler has difficulty undoing them. I used aplix for the covers because it allows me to adjust to that perfect fit.
  • Made in North America: I like knowing that the diapers are made in the USA by (mostly) WAHMs.

Cloth diapers are so simple these days and I have no concerns about having a newborn, full time, in cloth in a few weeks. Even my 5 year old knows how to wash cloth diapers! I won’t even get into how much money these diapers have saved me but you can read my thoughts on how to have a baby on a budget here.

Side note about newborns in cloth:
meconium does NOT permanently stain or wreck the diapers.
A little bit of sunshine gets rid of any stains.
Those flats that I first used had 6 newborns in them and have no staining.

Were you cloth diapered as a child?  
Have you ever thought about cloth diapers? Why or why not?

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