Unhappy? 6 Tips for Beating Winter Blues
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shine on your face for 15-30 minutes during the morning or afternoon to give you an energy boost. This is a method that I have not actually used yet but loved ones have found it extremely beneficial. I just added it to my Christmas wish list for next year. It will come in handy next year when the baby doesn’t nap as frequently as he currently does. His less frequent napping schedule will limit my napping opportunities and lack of sleep leaves me with little energy to stabilize my emotions. Update Jan 2020: I recently bought this SAD Light and have been using it this winter. I love it! I use it in the morning and right after lunch and find it helps with feeling more refreshed in the morning as well as mostly avoiding the after lunch energy slump.)
can be a huge help. There is not a lot of sunshine during the winter so giving yourself a vitamin boost can have some big benefits. Another wintertime supplement that can make a difference for mood stability is omega 3.
Cotton-Eyed Joe – Rednex
Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
Uptown Girl – Billy Joel
Kokomo – Beach Boys
500 miles – The Proclaimers
Hey Mickey – Toni Basil
Wannabe – Spice Girls
Angel – Shaggy
Whenever Wherever – Shakira
Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
I do suffer from SAD. My husband is one of those “happy people” who does a great job helping to cheer me. He encourages me to get outside when I can. And he has set me down and read Scripture to me. That was a great encouragement.
It’s so great to have someone to count on, isn’t it? So glad you’re able to find that love and support from your husband.
I love going outside & being around sunny people. These both definitely help! I also love to read uplifting quotes or thought provoking books.
Those are great ideas. I often peruse Pinterest “funny” boards and I’m a sucker for a good book with a positive message.
Hi! I enjoyed reading this post!! I need to go outside more, even if it’s for a few minutes, and I just started taking vitamins! I’ll visit again!
Outside is probably the toughest one for me but I really feel a positive difference when I do it. I hope that you have more luck with it than I do.
I used to have difficult winters in college. It’s been a lot better lately though. I got tanning every week or two during the winters and I sit next to a huge picture window all day. I get very grouchy when I don’t have enough sunlight.
Tanning is another nice way to get artificial sunlight. It’s great to find something that works for you. Not really a place that I’d want to bring 3 little children to though!
It sure has been a long, hard, cold winter! Those are all good tips for beating the winter blues.
It has been much colder this year. I’m saying that as my boys just bundled up to go play outside. They are much braver than I am!
Thank you for sharing!! Much needed this winter. Next year I might hibernate
Last winter I needed to spend several hours each day in the barely heated barn with my (then) 2 and 4 year old. This year I have been hibernating, using the new baby as an excuse 🙂
Excellent post and much needed. I live in western New York and we’ve been in a deep freeze for months (it seems) – dreary skies, lots of snow, slippery roads, etc. etc. Everyone’s complaining and suffering with SAD. What we need are more great posts like this that offer solutions to the problem. Thank you! 😀
Thank you! I hope that it offers some help to others. It seems this winter is colder than average in many places this year. Where I used to live (about 3.5 hours north of my current home) got so much snow that roofs have been caving in!
Those are some great posts 🙂
Thank you. I’m glad you are enjoying them.