Getting Children to Do Chores: 2 Mistakes Parents Make
I’m about to say something that might ruffle a few feathers, but here it is: paying your kids for chores and using age-specific chore charts don’t work. I know, these are popular methods that many parents swear by, but hear me out: these approaches can actually make...
3 Steps to get more done as a mom (without having to hustle)
I don't have time to do all the things. And yet, the things need to be done! In a world that often feels like it's spinning at breakneck speed, we're presented with two stark choices: hustle to get everything done or resign ourselves to getting nothing done. But what...
How to Do Personal Devotions With a Baby and Toddler
Every mom dreams of uninterrupted morning coffees, and peaceful time spent journalling or praying or being in the Word. Any mom with littles knows that this is not something easy to come by. In this phase of my life, my mornings are often spent with children in my...
Relaxed Homeschool Schedule – WAHM Mom of 6
What was I thinking? Having half a dozen kids and homeschooling them wasn't enough, so I added a couple of businesses too. Sure, there are times when I feel like there's a bit of crazy in me to choose this life (and maybe there is), but most days, things go smoothly....
Why More Kids Is Easier
When I was pregnant with my first child, I sat down with a client that had 4 kids, with the youngest just a toddler. She told me that the first couple kids is such a huge adjustment but by the time the 4th rolls around you'll barely notice the adjustment. That same...
10 Indoor Activities for Kids
My small farmhouse basically consists of a living room, kitchen, and a weird long room that houses bookshelves, a piano, computers and a small play area for the kids (and a bathroom and bedrooms of course but we don't play in those rooms). We also live in Alberta...