Motherhood is Hard, But It Isn’t Hard Forever

Motherhood is Hard, But It Isn’t Hard Forever

Motherhood is Hard, But It Isn’t Hard Forever

I have just had my fourth baby so I know a thing or two about the seasons of motherhood and I would be lying if I said that motherhood is easy. But I have learned something important: motherhood is hard, but it isn’t hard forever. Eventually babies grow, children become more independent and, dare I say, helpful! It is possible to be at peace even in the hard seasons just by recognizing that being a mom is hard but it isn’t hard all the time.

I went to the post office today without my older three. I just strapped the baby in and told them I was headed out and went. Then I came home and put the baby in his seat and he watched his brothers play Lego while I folded a bit of laundry.


Due to small children, health problems, pregnancies, newborns, work,  you name it, mothers don’t often get to do what we want, when we want. So I’m sure you’ll understand when I say this 10 minute trip to town was a breath of fresh air.

And then I see moms in the thick of it with young ones, pregnancies, health issues… I feel your struggle. Technically I’m still there, with a needy 5 month old and chronic back pain. And, as low maintenance as older kids can be, I am still overseeing and nurturing 4 children.

How can I still (mostly) feel at peace? Because I know it won’t last.

Some seasons of mothering are so frustrating. Actually, most of my days are still spent either nursing or bouncing or holding a sleepy baby while doling out motherly wisdom from the couch. Dirty floor, dishes everywhere, and piles of laundry is just where I’m at right now. It is a hard season of motherhood when I feel like I’m busy doing important things all day and yet feel like I have acocmplished almost nothing by the time my head (finally!) hits the pillow at night. 

Can you relate?

So how can I still (mostly) feel at peace?

Because I know it won’t last. Pregnancy isn’t always easy (in fact, sometimes this amazing and miraculous blessing can really suck!) but no one has been pregnant forever. Depression sucks but there is hope and treatment (if this is where you’re at, check out my depression self care series). Newborns get older, babies eventually sleep, and Mama starts to feel more like her old self.

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    Soon it will get easier. Hard right now is not hard forever. Whether it gets easier due to children moving through ages and stages, or miracles of healing, or maybe because you find a way to give yourself enough grace to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, this too shall pass.


    We are not designed to stay stuck. We are designed to grow, heal, and survive. So, until you are done with this hard stage in your life, just keep plodding along. You’ve made it so far and you’ll make it out of the tunnel eventually.
    Attitude of Gratitude – The Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Attitude of Gratitude – The Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Attitude of Gratitude – The Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Life is stressful. Things don’t go according to our plans and sometimes it’s hard to see God’s hand in the picture that He is painting in our lives. Seasons of change, seasons of struggle, seasons of distress, seasons of darkness. We all have them. It can be so hard to consistently maintain an attitude of gratitude!
    developing an attitude of gratitude through trials by seeing the Light at the end of the tunnel
    The amazing thing about going through all of the trials is that, as a believer in God, we have a Light at the end of the tunnel. Even when that tunnel seems to go on forever and you can’t even see the Light through the dark, it’s there. We can cling to that hope.

    Just because we can’t see the big picture doesn’t mean that it isn’t beautiful. 

    I’m reminded of a story that I heard a long time ago about a person who looks at a beautiful tapestry. The Creator walks up beside her and they have a conversation about the rich and vibrant colors. God explains that this is the tapestry of the observer’s life. The person is confused because she can’t understand how her life, full of so many trials and tears, could weave such a beautiful finished product. God then points out to her that the crimson threads in the flowers are her trials, the dark blues in the sky are her tears.

    God then points out to her that the crimson threads in the flowers are her trials, the dark blues in the sky are her tears.

    developing an attitude of gratitude through trials by seeing the Light at the end of the tunnel

    It occurred to me that this is the second time this week that I’ve written about attitude. On Monday I wrote about developing a mothering attitude and today I’m talking about an attitude of gratitude. Perhaps this is because the last few weeks (maybe even the last few years?) have been a mental struggle for me. I’ll be totally honest and say that it has been tough to be eating dinner alone with my kids nearly every night and telling them that daddy isn’t able to read bedtimes stories tonight because he’s working late. It’s tough to be woken up 25 times a night with an upset (read: screaming) toddler for what seems like no reason at all other than he’s mad that he’s not still asleep. It’s tough to remain positive when I’m in pain from my pregnancy and it feels like nothing is going right. Writing this post, as well as the one on Monday, has been a great reminder to myself to focus on the fact that this phase in our life will pass (i.e. the Biscuit will sleep again… someday!) and to look for the beauty within the trials.

    God doesn’t appreciate grumbling and I don’t want to let it gain a foothold. I missed writing in my gratitude journal several days last week and it really affected my mental state.

    Here are some of the things that I’m grateful for:


    Biscuit is waking up. I would rather he wake up 25 times than never again.
    I have a loving husband who is willing to put in ridiculous hours to feed our family.
    I have been blessed with amazing friends who were willing to uproot their whole lives to follow God’s call to come work with us.
    Since we now have extra help on the farm, I haven’t had to do chores and my physical pain has significantly lessened because of it.
    The crops are off so Adam has been able to join us for dinner and bedtimes the last couple nights.
    Have you had moments of grumbling too? Even though you may not be able to see the final picture, share in the comment section some things that you’re choosing to be grateful for, in spite of the trials. Feel free to share your trials as well so I can say a prayer for you. 

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    Unhappy? 6 Tips for Beating Winter Blues

    Unhappy? 6 Tips for Beating Winter Blues

    Unhappy? 6 Tips for Beating Winter Blues


    *This post may contain affiliate links. If you follow the link and choose to make a purchase, I may receive a small referral commission, at no extra cost to you.*

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been something I’ve known about since I was a teenager. It wasn’t until I was quite a bit older, however, that it became more clear to me how I can deal with the effects of this. So I’ve put together some of my favorite tips for beating winter blues.

    1. Artificial sunshine: You let the energy light lamp

    shine on your face for 15-30 minutes during the morning or afternoon to give you an energy boost. This is a method that I have not actually used yet but loved ones have found it extremely beneficial. I just added it to my Christmas wish list for next year. It will come in handy next year when the baby doesn’t nap as frequently as he currently does. His less frequent napping schedule will limit my napping opportunities and lack of sleep leaves me with little energy to stabilize my emotions. Update Jan 2020: I recently bought this SAD Light and have been using it this winter. I love it! I use it in the morning and right after lunch and find it helps with feeling more refreshed in the morning as well as mostly avoiding the after lunch energy slump.)

    2. Sunny people: Spend time with fun friends. I’m a more serious person by nature so I find others who can bring a little bit of sunshine into my life. Being married not only means I am accountable to someone with my mood (i.e. it’s not fair for him to come home to a moping wife every day), but one of the things I love most about my husband is that he can make me laugh. He lightens me up. I have been blessed with friends who lighten my mood. I also have a few sons who can “turn his goof on,” as we like to say, and can have our whole household cracking up. Laughter is a wonderful medicine.
    3. Sunshine in a bottle: Vitamin D3 supplement

    can be a huge help. There is not a lot of sunshine during the winter so giving yourself a vitamin boost can have some big benefits. Another wintertime supplement that can make a difference for mood stability is omega 3.

    4. Go outside: Fresh air, sunshine on your face, watching your kids play in the snow, exercise. All of these things help boost your mood. After being cooped up inside during the cold snaps that occur during much of the winter, I really appreciate going outside for even a few minutes just to breath. There is also something healing about being outside in direct contact with God’s creation.
    5. Countdown: Remind yourself that there are only about 2 months left of winter. It will probably be less for some of you, depending on your location. Maybe even less for me as I’m further south than I have lived in the past. I countdown until I can start my garden seeds. I count down to Easter. I count down to my oldest son’s spring time birthday. Little stepping stones that keep me pushing forward toward sunshine season.
    6. Music: There are summertime songs, and there are wintertime songs. Play some summertime music and dance like no one’s watching. My kids LOVE this one and they take turns being my dance partner. It can be a lot of fun to let loose once in a while. Here’s a list of some of the ones that my family has been dancing to lately:
    • Cotton-Eyed Joe – Rednex
    • Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
    • Uptown Girl – Billy Joel
    • Kokomo – Beach Boys
    • 500 miles – The Proclaimers
    • Hey Mickey – Toni Basil
    • Wannabe – Spice Girls
    • Angel – Shaggy
    • Whenever Wherever – Shakira
    • Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
    • Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
    6. Foundational Habits: The best thing anyone can do is to establish a good rhythm of self care. Establishing habits before you are in the thick of seasonal affective disorder is ideal but anyone can start with something as simple as working on gratitude. In my Self Care Series I share how I begin at the bottom and work my way up anytime that I notice I’m slipping into seasonal affective disorder or depression.
    Do you suffer from seasonal affective disorder or winter blues? Please share your favorite tips beating winter blues. And drop your email in the box below and I’ll send you my free Habit Workbook and Habit Tracker. It will walk you through how to set habits fo various areas of your life and give you the tools you need to begin setting that foundation of habits where better lives begin.
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    How to Become an Ideal Mother: Is it Possible?

    How to Become an Ideal Mother: Is it Possible?

    I have been working on establishing the same morning routine with my kids for 6 years. 


    I can’t remember where I saw the high 5 idea first but I looked back in my photos recently and saw a picture of my now 11 year old in front of the high 5 poster we still use today. Except he was 5 in the picture.


    I have always said that consistency in motherhood is challenging for me. I am starting to believe that may not be the case. 
    Encouragement for mothers who feel overwhelmed by motherhood and like they'll never measure up. You were made for this!

    6 years of pushing for the same routine (that still doesn’t happen every day or without a decent amount of prodding from me) is kind of the definition of consistency. Or maybe it is closer to persistence.


    Persistent motherhood.


    Morning High 5 routine for kids

    Maybe you have changed up your routines every few months trying to find something that works. You’re still persisting. Trying, even if you don’t see massive success is still trying.


    I have been watching videos and reading books lately about re-framing your limiting beliefs and mindset. This isn’t a new concept by any means. I learned about this process years ago, before I had kids and was working in a fast paced financial services company. Re-framing and visualization and positive self talk are things used in the business world all the time.


    I have also learned a bit about cognitive behavioral therapy in order to understand and work through some of my depression and anxiety issues. Add to that using ideas of positive parenting for raising my children.


    But re-framing myself as a mother is something that I have just recently started exploring.

    I think that we, as mothers, are very hard on ourselves. I know many mothers compare themselves to others, whether on social media or their friends or even their own mothers. We have this ideal for what a mother should be like and do and how she should interact with the kids, keep her house, and love her husband.

    I think it is pretty common knowledge that positive self talk and affirmations are good for our minds. (If it’s not something you’re familiar with, please let me know and I can go into more detail about how and why this works.) So why not apply this to myself (or yourself) as a mother?


    I think that we, as mothers, are very hard on ourselves. I know many mothers compare themselves to others, whether on social media or their friends or even their own mothers. We have this ideal for what a mother should be like and do and how she should interact with the kids, keep her house, and love her husband. I have learned not to compare myself to others but I still have this ideal of what kind of a mother I want to be. 


    A mother should be consistent in her homemaking routines and the discipline of her children. 
    A mother should be patient with listening to her children and in her reactions to their misbehavior. 
    A mother should encourage her children and use positive parenting techniques to build their character and self worth.
    A mother’s home and schedule should be organized to provide a peaceful environment for her family and allow for the best use of her time.

    A mother should be energetic enough to accomplish her tasks, teach her children their routines, and still have energy to devote to her marriage and her own passions.


    Do any of those sound like thoughts you have had? Those are some of the expectations that I have for myself. The ideal mother. 


    My children and husband would be quick to point out that I don’t fit those descriptions very well.  I’m inclined to agree.
     But what if they’re wrong? What if I’m wrong?

    What I mean is, what if that mother is inside of me, just figuring out how to make herself known? This is where re-framing coming in. There are some skills I need to learn and practice but why couldn’t I become this kind of mother? There are many moms with different personalities who are achieving the basics of ideals. Why not me?


    God didn’t make me any less of a person. Sure, I have different challenges that many of you won’t have (depression, my husband’s heavy work load, health related energy issues, large family in a small house, low income, homeschooling, etc) but God allowed each of those challenges into my life so He knows about them. 


    I can’t remember where I heard it first but we can see throughout scripture that God does not call the equipped. In fact, the people He uses in some big ways also have major struggles against sin (Abraham) and temptation (King David) and their flesh (Paul). 


    God equips the called. 


    He has called me to be a mother. He has put some of those ideals and desires into my heart. How could I ever think He would leave me alone to struggle through this journey? 

    I AM a mother who is consistent, patient, encouraging, organized, and energetic, even if I’m still a work in progress. 


    Who do you want to become? What are you doing to get there? Comment below with some of the ideals that you feel are inside you and waiting to come to fruition. 

    If you want some guidance in how to work toward these ideals, be sure to sign up for my weekly post summary for regular encouragement and get a free printable guide that will help you choose and follow through on life changing habits!

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    Self Care Series Step 3: Mind

    Self Care Series Step 3: Mind

    Self Care Series Step 3: Mind

    Today’s post is the last post in my self care or depression lifestyle protocol series. If you haven’t read them, you can find the first two parts of there series here: Self Care Step 1: Spiritual and Self Care Step 2: Body. Since I have started my routines and habits to care for my spirit and my body, I slowly start to work in self care for my mind.

    A peaceful room leads to a peaceful mind


    One of the major things that I do to care for myself mentally include having a “mom safe” zone in the house. We live with 6 (almost 7) of us all day, every day, in about 1300sq ft, much less if you factor in that we don’t have toys in bedrooms. This means every inch of our house is used to the fullest capacity. As the kids are getting older they require different levels of toys and entertainment (such as keeping Lego and microscopes away from babies) and, for a long time, I prioritized them and their needs. Once I recognized that I needed even just a small area to control, I started setting some boundaries. 


    One is that the living room floor should be tidied every evening. The kids have a play zone on the other side of the kitchen but, as is natural, toys manage to drift into the living room. I also keep toddler toys and books in the living room so littler ones are less likely to destroy Lego creations that have been left out. Add in the storage bench full of blankets and pillows and the dining chairs nearby and the living room gets turned into war bunkers or castle forts or 2 story “houses” complete with a Tonka truck garage. And did I mention the boots and coats that get kicked off in the entry and end up in the living room because the front door opens right up into my living room? And then let’s just throw in an occasional towel that has migrated from the bathroom. 


    But every evening we focus on Tidy Time. (Yes, I just capitalized that, because it is sacred part of the rhythm of our home.) This is one of the things I started when my eldest two were toddlers so it has mostly become second nature (not that the kids never fight me on it). We do almost no screen time during the day so we “bring peace to our home” at around 5pm (though my eldest has discovered he gets more game time if he starts at 4:30pm and is done his tasks by 5pm) which looks like me picking the room or two that are causing me the most stress and getting the kids to teamwork tidy.

    They tidy while I make dinner and then they get some screen time until we eat supper (between 6
    and 6:30, depending on when my husband comes in from the farm). 

    They get to game, I don’t have them underfoot (as much) while I make dinner, and I can spend my evening in a more peaceful room. There’s the added bonus of the fact that my bathroom is off my living room and I already have to navigate a steep, old farmhouse stairs (which have already caused a broken foot this year) so the last thing I want to do in a sleepy haze is weave through and over toys and forts. Any parent knows that stepping on Lego is incredibly painful but you don’t know until you’ve done it that stepping on a matchbox car is downright dangerous! 

    Any parent knows that stepping on Lego is incredibly painful but you don’t know until you’ve done it that stepping on a matchbox car is downright dangerous! 

    Even the Mind Needs Exercise

    I schedule in daily time to read something productive. I have no issues making time to read novels and often neglect my home and family when I get sucked into a good story. So I typically need to restrict myself there. Some people get sucked into social media scrolling or Netflix but, for me, it’s novels. When I say “productive,” I mean non fiction and usually something to educate or encourage me in my God given roles. These are books that I often can take in bite sized pieces and require thought between sections. I currently give myself the second part of my toddler’s nap time (I usually nap a bit first) to sit and read while taking some notes in the Evernote app on my phone. This 30 or so minutes of stimulating my mind like this rejuvenates me for the rest of the afternoon. The nap before and coffee while I read also help, I’m sure. 

    Productive Work Time

    I take one morning each week to do office work for the farm. It is about 3 hours of sitting at my mom’s house and putting my “education” to good use while my husband spends time with the kids. Before children I was in finances, largely helping families set goals, budget, and make a plan for the future. My office morning consists mostly bookkeeping data entry but, as with any business, farming requires budgets and plans as well. I don’t so much enjoy the data entry part but I love plotting the progression our farm goals and brainstorming ways to bring it there. So technically this is me going to work but I count it as mental stimulation. 

    I also take a couple hours every other week do to some technical blogging stuff. I write in the mornings but laptop time to do images or formatting is in short supply. So every couple of weeks I get childcare (usually my husband at this point) to hammer out some of the more techy stuff for my blog. I love checking off those little details from my list. Such a good feeling!


    Maybe your productive time looks like hammering out a few housekeeping tasks or getting some freezer cooking done or even giving the floors a good scrub. Do something every week that gives you that feeling of accomplishment. 

    Pursuit for You

    I ignored God’s call on my life for far too long. I focused on improving my marriage, mothering, homeschool, housekeeping, farming, and volunteering, which are all worthwhile and necessary pursuits, but I denied a large part of who I am, to my own detriment. 

    God gives all of us certain skills and talents and he does so with the expectation that we use them. He doesnt expect us to put it all on hold when we become mothers. Sometimes these skills fall into place in our role as mothers (for example, my love of making simple routines and checklists works well for my home and homeschool lifestyle) and sometimes our skills can be expanded beyond our roles as mothers (such as the habit setting workbook I created to help YOU develop simple routines and checklists). 

    We spend so much time focusing on improving our weaknesses that we often forget that we even have strengths. Take some time to figure out and name what you ARE good at in your current roles. Maybe you are an excellent cook. Or maybe you’re really good at playing with and having fun with your children (yes, this is absolutely a skill!). Do you have a great eye for fashion or decor? Do you kill it in the frugal living department? Are you interested or educated in a certain topic that most people are not well versed in but is applicable for your family? 

    How can/do you use those skills to bless your family? Are you using those skills beyond your family? Do you feel called to share those skills beyond your family?

    A daily prayer: Lord, please show me what skills and talents you have instilled in me and guide me in how to use those skills to bless my family. And Lord, if it is Your will, show me how I can bless those beyond my family with the gifts You have given to me. Use me to fulfill Your will. 


    Since this is the last installment of my Self Care Series, I thought I’d make something to help you out on your own path to self care. Self care is all about creating good habits so I’ve put together a printable Habit Workbook to guide you through the process of choosing and tracking habits. 


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