Does Unschooling Actually Work?
My oldest son has known his letters and their sounds since before he was three. But couldn't count for the life of him. I knew it would come eventually. My husband and I giggle about the fact that the first day he counted to 5 (at about age 5) his little brother was...
The Most Important Christian Discipline
Welcome to this week’s Word on Wednesday post. Join me for a reflection on a piece of scripture and how it can be applied to our daily lives. There are so many wonderful disciplines that Christians can benefit from but the most important Christian discipline is to...
Quick Tips: Bedsharing, Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Birth
There are way to many great topics to cover when it comes to the letter "B." It was so difficult for me to choose just one! So I didn't. Here's my "quick tips" for mothers to cover a few of my favorite "B" topics: Bedsharing: It can be a great way for a...
Blogger Award Nomination: Sunshine Award
A first for me, I've been nominated for a blogger award! I have seen these floating around but never knew much about them. So I did some research into what the Sunshine Award is all about. According to one site, the Sunshine Award is The Sunshine Award is for...
Attitude Towards Mothering – Blogging Through the Alphabet
I've decided to join Marcy from Ben and Me on her journey of blogging through the alphabet. Every Monday, from A until Z, I hope to be linking up with her. Make sure that you check out the whole link up party every week because there are going to be many other great...
Increasing Confidence to Increase Business
We all have a little voice in our head that whispers to us throughout the day. Sometimes it tells us that we are doing awesome. Other times it tells us that we aren’t working hard enough, or aren’t giving our children enough time, or our product/business/service...