Being a Christian in a Broken World

The sermon last week was on the sword of the spirit. The pastor reminded us that all the chaos in this world is not a matter of political or religious issues. It is not about flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle. It is not an attack on a country or people. It is an attack on Christ. The armor of God supports us with being a Christian in a broken world. And we cannot turn a blind eye to the attack on Christ.

The sword is the only offensive piece of the armor of God and it is not even ours. We have the ability to pick up the sword, not our sword.  It belongs to the Spirit and refers to the living and life-altering Word of God. The Spirit uses the Word to comfort, encourage, and convict us and those around us.

Jesus used the Word when He was tempted in the desert. The devil backed down. The Word is active and alive and powerful.

Read your Bible to get it into your mind, let the message penetrate your heart, so you can be prepared to wield it when needed. It is available for us to call on when we are in the fight for our lives.

Christians in this world are in a fight for their lives.

When the enemy makes us question, we can wield the Truth. We get to hold onto to the promises of God. Pessimism is from the devil. It is a lack of trust in God’s promise. In His love.

The enemy has gained ground. He gains ground in our world, countries, society, and in our lives. But the enemy must obey. He will be removed.

We will be free. Free from the darkness and injustice and brokenness. Actually, the truth is that we are already free. We have been released. The enemy has been defeated.

The Purpose of Life

The Purpose of Life

The Culmination of all of Solomon's Wisdom - by Aimed at the HeartWelcome to this week’s Word on Wednesday post. Join me for a brief reflection on a piece of scripture and how we can apply it to our daily lives.

I read a lot. The Bible, blogs, articles online and in hard copy, books, text books, and nearly anything I can get my hands on. Mostly non-fiction at this point in my life. I always have enjoyed reading. I love how it relaxes me and works out my brain muscles all at the same time. I love learning new things through my reading and feel like I’ll never be able to read enough to fill up my mind.

It seems that King Solomon had this thirst for information as well, in spite of the wisdom he was granted from God. Apparently it is a natural human tendency. We want answers. Well, this verse holds the answer. You can seek all the knowledge and information in the world but there is really only one final result of this quest: the number one thing we can learn to do is to fear God and keep His commandments. That is the purpose of life. Such a simple conclusion, and yet, such a complex command. So we need to read God’s word to find His commands so that we can fulfill our duty.

Word on Wednesday: True Wisdom is Not Found in a Classroom

Word on Wednesday: True Wisdom is Not Found in a Classroom

Word on Wednesday: Understanding Comes from GodWelcome to this week’s Word on Wednesday post!

This is a verse that I’m reflecting on this week. It is a great reminder to me at this “back-to-school” time of year that neither my children nor I will learn true wisdom by sitting in a classroom. If we are open to the Lord’s guidance and instruction, nothing will be able to take away from us the Wisdom from the Lord.

It goes hand in hand with Romans 1:20 which states that “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” My primary role as a mother is to teach my children about God and this will be understood from what He has made. So we will continue to spend our time in His world and learning about Him through the life He has blessed us with.

Word on Wednesday: Remembering to be Joyful

Word on Wednesday: Remembering to be Joyful

Word on Wednesday - Remembering to be Joyful - Aimed at the Heart

I came to Christ at a very young age and truly can’t remember a time when I didn’t have the gift of salvation. I feel so blessed that I was allowed the opportunity to know God my entire life but that also means that I forget how big of a gift salvation really is.

I chose this verse this week to remind myself that salvation is a cause to celebrate. It is a prayer to ask God to reignite the joy and appreciation in my heart. Even in times when circumstances aren’t perfect, I can (and should) still find joy in the fact that Christ is my Saviour.

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Word on Wednesday

Learning to be Content

I have often tried to live by Paul’s word to “Be content in all circumstances.” I’m not. Content that is. There are certain things that I am content with and others things that I wish I could change (or fast forward). It’s very difficult to find the balance between being content and striving to move ahead. I also believe that dreaming and goal setting is important.

One of my goals is to increase my scripture intake over the year. I have been reading Exodus lately. I read the part when the Israelites were grumbling about not having any water. (Ex 17:22-27) In my mind it seems like a legitimate complaint. They were in the desert and hadn’t had any water for 3 days. I’d be thirsty too! The part that really stuck me today was the part where it says that the Israelites were not grumbling against Moses. They were discontent (to say the least) with their circumstances and complained to Moses. But God said that their grumbling was to the Lord. That was a bit of a slap in the face to me. How often do I complain about certain circumstances in my life? Right before I wrote this (and during the writing of this) I have complained and grumbled. Some internally and some out loud. It doesn’t really make a difference who hears it because the One who it is against hears it all.

So here is my prayer:
Dear Lord, Please forgive me. I try to be content in the circumstances and situation you have put me in but so often I fail. I really need your strength to stop grumbling and please extend Your patience toward me as I take steps backward. Help me to appreciate every day the gifts you have bestowed on me. Lead me to the balance of contentment without complacency.

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