Posts related to raising children through their ages and stagesO is for Overcome Imperfect Parenting
My parents screwed up when they were raising me. They yelled at me and spanked me (a couple times). They disrespected my thoughts and opinions. I was raised by imperfect parents, and it affected me and my ability to parent. I've screwed up already with raising my...
I is for Infatuated With My Newborn
In my "blogging through the alphabet series," I didn't get my "H" post up last week. I have about two thirds of it written but never got it finished. I've been busy. Busy doing nothing. Or, to be more precise, busy doing the most important thing in the world:...
F is for Fatigue: How to Survive on Interrupted Sleep
Many cultures don’t ever question night wakings the way that North America does. They expect kids to be waking during the night until after age three! But in all of the parenting and breastfeeding support forums and groups that I am a part of, the number one subject...
Does Unschooling Actually Work?
My oldest son has known his letters and their sounds since before he was three. But couldn't count for the life of him. I knew it would come eventually. My husband and I giggle about the fact that the first day he counted to 5 (at about age 5) his little brother was...
Quick Tips: Bedsharing, Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Birth
There are way to many great topics to cover when it comes to the letter "B." It was so difficult for me to choose just one! So I didn't. Here's my "quick tips" for mothers to cover a few of my favorite "B" topics: Bedsharing: It can be a great way for a...
Attitude Towards Mothering – Blogging Through the Alphabet
I've decided to join Marcy from Ben and Me on her journey of blogging through the alphabet. Every Monday, from A until Z, I hope to be linking up with her. Make sure that you check out the whole link up party every week because there are going to be many other great...