
Welcome to Aimed at the Heart!
Two Thirds of parents feel like they’re failing.
Let that sink in for a minute…
Whether this is due to outside pressures or unrealistic internal expectations, the struggle with mom guilt and overwhelm is real. The goal of Aimed at the Heart is to build up mothers by helping you lay a foundation of good habits for self care, positive parenting, and running your household which will help you become more confident in your role as a mother.
What my readers love most is how simple the building blocks are that can draw you closer to the heart of who God created you to be. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or like you’re not the mom you think you should be, a big hearty WELCOME!
Let me introduce myself:
My name is Tessa. I have been married to Adam for the last 15 years and, during that time, we have been blessed with FOUR incredible sons who are currently 12, 9, 6, and 2. They are the most beautiful and sweet boys in the world (though I realize I may be a little biased on that point). I also had my FIRST DAUGHTER in the fall of 2019. What an amazingly beautiful new adventure!
Before I became a mother I was a driven career gal and planned to take over the world of financial education. Then I held my first baby and knew that there was no higher calling than to mother him to the best of my ability.
Unfortunately, we live in a world that overvalues career and undervalues motherhood. Mothers receive criticism and advice no matter what choice they make for their families but, in the end, it comes down to the fact that we are created to mother and God equips us in whatever He calls us to do.
I want to encourage mothers to find enjoyment in their children. To not just accept the role they are currently in, but to find passion in the design that God has for their mothering journey, whatever that looks like. It is so easy as a mom to get bogged down by the day-to-day challenges that we forget to look at the bigger picture. This website is about keeping our eyes on the beauty of the masterpiece God is creating through our lives as mothers and practical tips and encouragement to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
I just want moms to love being who they are as moms.
Random facts about me:
- I live on a dairy farm and love helping out when my health and babies allow. So yes, I can drive a tractor, skid steer, wheel loader and manure truck. Anything that is an automatic. And I can bottle feed a calf or milk a cow (though we have robots that do that for us now.)
- I love reading, non fiction and fiction, and try to fit it into all the margins of my day.
- I love to have a vanilla latte and visit with a friend. But just one friend at a time please! None of this crazy “girls night out” stuff for me.
- I can sit for hours and just watch my family play together. Board games, video games, Lego, weird swordfighting games in the backyard. I just love watching them interact.
- I’m not really a baby person but I love watching people become (or re-become) parents. Witnessing that parent-baby bond brings me to tears!
- I get totally infatuated with my newborns. I’m a “my baby” person.
- I sing pretty well and play piano. I love to use those skills to worship God.
- I love cheesy chick flicks. Can’t get enough of ’em!
If you’re interested in learning about my coaching and the courses I have available, click the button below to see how you can work with me: