Motherhood is Hard, But It Isn’t Hard Forever

Motherhood | 0 comments

I have just had my fourth baby so I know a thing or two about the seasons of motherhood and I would be lying if I said that motherhood is easy. But I have learned something important: motherhood is hard, but it isn’t hard forever. Eventually babies grow, children become more independent and, dare I say, helpful! It is possible to be at peace even in the hard seasons just by recognizing that being a mom is hard but it isn’t hard all the time.

I went to the post office today without my older three. I just strapped the baby in and told them I was headed out and went. Then I came home and put the baby in his seat and he watched his brothers play Lego while I folded a bit of laundry.


Due to small children, health problems, pregnancies, newborns, work,  you name it, mothers don’t often get to do what we want, when we want. So I’m sure you’ll understand when I say this 10 minute trip to town was a breath of fresh air.

And then I see moms in the thick of it with young ones, pregnancies, health issues… I feel your struggle. Technically I’m still there, with a needy 5 month old and chronic back pain. And, as low maintenance as older kids can be, I am still overseeing and nurturing 4 children.

How can I still (mostly) feel at peace? Because I know it won’t last.

Some seasons of mothering are so frustrating. Actually, most of my days are still spent either nursing or bouncing or holding a sleepy baby while doling out motherly wisdom from the couch. Dirty floor, dishes everywhere, and piles of laundry is just where I’m at right now. It is a hard season of motherhood when I feel like I’m busy doing important things all day and yet feel like I have acocmplished almost nothing by the time my head (finally!) hits the pillow at night. 

Can you relate?

So how can I still (mostly) feel at peace?

Because I know it won’t last. Pregnancy isn’t always easy (in fact, sometimes this amazing and miraculous blessing can really suck!) but no one has been pregnant forever. Depression sucks but there is hope and treatment (if this is where you’re at, check out my depression self care series). Newborns get older, babies eventually sleep, and Mama starts to feel more like her old self.

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    Soon it will get easier. Hard right now is not hard forever. Whether it gets easier due to children moving through ages and stages, or miracles of healing, or maybe because you find a way to give yourself enough grace to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, this too shall pass.


    We are not designed to stay stuck. We are designed to grow, heal, and survive. So, until you are done with this hard stage in your life, just keep plodding along. You’ve made it so far and you’ll make it out of the tunnel eventually.
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