I’m an introvert. I crave quiet and solitude. Just over a year ago, I discovered that introversion is okay and I really started to embrace the introversion instead of attempting to be extroverted. In retrospect, it was silly to think that I had to be someone I’m not and act in a way that wasn’t true to myself. But I’ve figured it out now and it has hugely benefited my life and family. Guess what? My whole family is introverts! My husband and Biscuit are much less so than C and myself but they still need their quiet recharge time. Even Baby Bear is easily overwhelmed with too many people and is upset easily by disruptions to his peace. For having 3 young sons, my house is typically unusually quiet.

So here’s the big question: how do I fit in my own quiet recharge time when I have a husband, 6 year old, 3 year old and 5 month old around all the time? Not to mention several good friends that I love to catch up with and church and social media. And then there’s my mind. It never seems to stop talking to me!

I laid the baby in his little chair/bassinet and hid in the laundry room. No chocolate, no good book to read, no phone. Just me. Sitting on the floor. Eyes closed so I couldn’t see the laundry in front of me. Forcing my mind to be clear. The peace lasted about 2 minutes before Biscuit got worried because he couldn’t find me. Quick prayer for strength and for my little one’s worried heart.

I sit in my rocking chair while waiting for my baby to fall back to sleep at 5am (after enjoying his smiles and coos for a bit) and read my daily Bible passages on my phone. When he is asleep, I stop rocking, put down my phone, and just sit.

I buckle all the kids in to the vehicle, shut the doors, and wait a minute before I jump in the vehicle to head to town.

Small moments. That’s all that I can manage in this season of my life. Moments of more than simply silence. Moments when I don’t have little people touching me. Moments that I owe to no one except myself. A few minutes sprinkled throughout my week that give me enough to continue forward. One day those little people will not depend on me so heavily. In fact, they are less dependent on me every month. Baby Bear’s gummy smiles and sweet, milky breath are enough to make me delirious with joy. It won’t last. He will grow. They all will. Then I will get my hours of silence and solitude at a time and will know that I have earned it. I won’t need to miss the babies because I made sure to thoroughly enjoy them through all their stages.

Are you an introvert? Do you have someone in your life who is an introvert? Perhaps you can find some information and encouragement here:
How to be Friends with an Introvert

15 Resolutions for a Homeschool Introvert Mom (these ideas are great for anyone, not just homeschoolers)

Linked up at: Time Warp Wife, Growing Home Blog

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